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Back to Millie's POV.

TW: Use of drugs.

As I'm pouring myself a cup of coffee I hear shuffling coming from the hallway. I grab a glass of water and the painkillers before walking over to Skylar's room. I open the door and see her shuffling through her clothes.

"Morning," I mutter, making her jump when she hears my voice.

"God, you scared me," she breathes out, holding a hand over her heart.

"Sorry," I shrug, placing the water and painkillers on her dresser.

"Thanks," she smiles sweetly, opening the bottle, popping two pills and chugging the water. I stare at her while she nonchalantly grabs a pre-rolled joint from her drawer and sparks it up.

She opens up her window before grabbing an ashtray and taking it with her while she sits on the bed. I stand in silence, unaware of what to do as she takes a long drag. She holds out the joint to me and I shake my head before walking back to the kitchen to grab my coffee.

Why did I even take her home? I carried her up the stairs and changed her into pyjamas, I shouldn't have done that. I just can't help it, when someone is my friend, I have to take care of them. Dallas was somewhere fucking Kaden so I had to do it. I didn't want her hanging around Blair!

"Come back!" I hear her call out to me. I roll my eyes with a groan before walking back to her room and sitting down on her desk chair.

"I need to apologize," she mumbles, staring down at her lap.

"Yeah the fuck you do," I scoff.

"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you. I was being stupid and ignorant, I should've talked it out with you. You didn't do anything wrong," She apologizes, me nodding my head.

"Anything else you'd like to apologize for?" I raise a brow.

"I-I don't think so?" She furrows her brows, looking back up at me in question.

"Hmm, you're not sorry for trying to kiss my girlfriend last night?" I raise my voice as the memories of last night flood through my head.

"Sorry what?" She asks in shock, choking on the smoke she was exhaling.

"Last night you grabbed Billie and kissed her," I explain with anger.

"I'm so sorry, god I'm so fucking stupid," she grumbled shamefully, staring at her lap again.

"Yeah you are," I muttered, "I get that you were drunk, but really? How do I know you aren't going to try something like that again?"

"I wouldn't, I swear." She replied quickly.

"Blair was all for it," I scoffed, shaking my head, "Anyway, I'm leaving now. I don't want you talking to Billie for a while....or even me," I set down my coffee cup a little too hard before grabbing my bag and leaving before she could say anything else.


"How many outfits are you bringing?" I asked Billie as we were both packing our suitcases.

"Well, it's a thirty-day tour, so thirty outfits."

"Are you serious? I don't even have thirty outfits," I laughed, tossing an oversized shirt on the bed.

"You can take some of my clothes," She shrugged, pulling a shirt off of a hanger.

"You literally make me wear your clothes anyway," I stated, staring at my clothing rack.

I felt her hands wrap around my waist as she leaned her head on my shoulder, "That's because you look hot in them," she teased.

"Hmm," I hummed, feeling at piece; but that peace didn't last long when my phone started ringing again. "Would she stop fucking calling me?" I groaned, pulling out of Billies hold.

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