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a/n: Okay so I just realized I accidentally started calling Dallas 'Denver', I went back and edited it but oops. There is no Denver, just a Dallas.

Billie POV

"She's okay," Brad sighed out in relief, "She has a large cut on her face and she broke her ankle which they needed to do surgery on. They placed screws into her ankle to keep it together since it was a pretty bad break" he explained.

"When can we see her?" I asked anxiously.

"She just woke up apparently, were going to go see her but we will let all of you know when she's ready to see the rest of you," Kathy said. We all nodded and sat back into our seats. Skylar finally calmed down and caught her breath.

Even though I knew Millie was okay physically, I know she's probably pretty scared. She hates hospitals.

Millie POV

As I watched my parents walk through the hospital room doors, I knew they had been crying. It's just a little stupid because if they knew who I really was; they might not have even cared if I died.

"How are you feeling?" My dad asked with a genuine face as they both came to sit on the chairs next to my hospital bed.

"My ankle hurts like hell, but I'm okay," I nodded, still a little tired and loopy from the meds.

"You scared us half to death," my mom sniffled.

"Can I see Billie?" I mumbled, picking at my nails; an awful nervous habit I have.

"Are you sure you don't want to rest first, my dear?" Mom tilted her head in question.

"Yeah, I just want to see her please."

"Of course," my dad nodded, getting up from his chair and kissing me on the forehead walking towards the door. It took my mom a few moments of hesitation before she followed him out of the hospital room.

I stared at the ceiling, contemplating if I should just confess my feelings to Billie here and now. For all I know I could have died tonight and Billie wouldn't have known my real feelings. Maybe it's better she didn't know them. Maybe she would have felt worse about me dying?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the door creak open. Billies eyes were clearly bloodshot and her cheeks puffy. I watched her as she softly closed the door and walked to the chair beside my bed. She looked at me with a single tear rolling down her cheek. I felt awful. I know I wasn't at fault and I couldn't control the car that drove in front of me but...I never want Billie to be scared or cry, especially because of me.

She leaned closer to me and gently traced the stitched up cut on my forehead. I watched her eyes intently while she inspected the cut. "I thought I lost you," she admitted with a broken voice, keeping her fingers on my forehead but her eyes looking into mine now. My eyes welled up with tears at her words.

"Never," I whispered.

"Are you okay?" She asked, now moving her hand to my hand that was laying on the bed beside me.

"I'm not a fan of this IV' I chuckled with no emotion as I pointed to the IV in my hand, "but I'm okay. Sorry, I ruined your big night" I apologized sincerely. She's supposed to be out partying and celebrating her Grammys right now.

"Don't be sorry" she shook her head, "after-parties are lame anyway," she shrugged.

"You literally told me that, that's the best part" I chuckled softly.

The door swung open and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Cameron?" I shouted in shock.

"Fuck you, you scared the shit outta me" He shook his head and took a deep breath.

"Well come hug me!" I exclaimed. He quickly paced over to me and gave me a big bear hug. As he pulled away, I questioned how he got here so fast.

"Wait, how long was I in surgery?" I asked, turning to Billie.

"Two hours"

Cameron Hill. My big brother. He is twenty and currently lives an hour away, he's studying at a college to be a teacher but honestly, I think he's just there for the parties and girls. I haven't seen him for six months because usually on his holidays he spends them getting drunk and sleeping around. 

"Cam you really need to cut that hair" I laughed while messing up his hair.

"HEY, don't mess with my best feature" he cheesed.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

After a few long hours of talking with everyone who came to the hospital, I could hardly keep my eyelids open any longer. The crowd in the room got smaller and smaller and in the end, it was my parents, brother, and Billie left.

"I'll be fine, I swear mom," I said as sternly as I could in such a tired state.

"I promise I'll take good care of her and call you if anything changes" Billie assured my parents.

"Mom and dad, Billie has taken care of her when she's been sick before. Plus nurses are flooding this place if anything else happens. It's just a broken foot for crying out loud" Cameron helped me try to convince my parents.

"Excuse me, first off it's a broken ankle, and it hurts like a bitch. But yes he's right" I defended myself.

"He's right honey, let's get some sleep and we can be back first thing in the morning," my dad said to my mom.

"Alight," she finally gave in, "but Billie you better not be lying to me."

"I promise Kathy," She smiled.

My family all hugged me as well as Billie before finally leaving. I watched as Billie turned out the main light and switched on the little reading light above the hospital bed. I scooted over to one side of the bed and Billie gave me a raised brow.

"What?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"Are you sure you'll be able to sleep with me beside you?" She questioned.

"What are you even talking about? I've slept beside you more times in my life than I've slept alone."

"Yeah, but the hospital bed is tiny and my tics" She shrugged.

"Get your ass in this bed or I won't be able to sleep. You know hospital shit scares me," I said with a yawn.

"If you insist," She smiled. Slowly and carefully she laid down on her side, facing me. Her head was slightly above mine and I felt her kiss the top of my head, resulting in my body relaxing completely. She wrapped an arm around my stomach, holding me close. The cuddling is nothing new but damn it never fails to make me feel safe when she's holding me.

"Millie," she whispered, "don't ever leave me."

"Bil," I whispered back, "I think I want to tell you something."

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