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Billies POV

"Just one last interview in five minutes and then we are off to the after-party" my manager beamed at me with excitement.

I nodded, taking a sip of water and checking my phone quickly. There were already thousands of pictures with me and the Grammys I had just won. I had a large smile displayed on my face that I couldn't seem to wipe off. I looked up from my phone, seeing my mom walking over to me with a concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong mom?" I asked, confused as to why she would have such a sad demeanour after both her children just won so many Grammys.

"Billie, I just got a call..." she started with an anxious stutter, "Millie was in a car crash."/

My entire body felt numb and my chest fell at her words. Was she dead? Was it just a small bang-up? My heart rate began to increase with the many immediate emotions and questions I had.

"W-what...what does- is she okay?" I stuttered out in confusion, sadness, and shock.

"I don't know, honey," she pulled me in for a hug. "Finish up the interviews first and we will go straight to the hospital."

"No. What? For real?" Tears were already forming in my eyes, but I knew I'd have to do this interview. Why did my mom choose to tell me before, instead of after the interview? I don't know.

I took a few deep inhales and exhales, trying to relax and convince myself that she was fine.

"You're tearing up a bit" The interview mentioned with a smile.

"Yeah, uh it's been a crazy day," I chuckled with no emotion.

"I can see that. How do you feel right now, Billie?" He questioned.

"Umm, shocked, speechless, ready to go find my best friend," I said truthfully, slightly breathless.

"Alright I'll leave you to it then, thanks for your time and congratulations," he patted my back.

"Thank you" I mumbled quickly before running straight to my moho already had someone drive the limo up to the back doors.

As my family and I were sitting in the vehicle, I couldn't help but let the tears stream down my pale cheeks. Finneas wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I leaned onto him, letting out even more sobs.

"She's gonna be alright, Billie." my dad assured me.

"How would you know that?" I sniffled.

"He's right Bil, Millie is a strong person and you know that," Finneas agreed.

"It doesn't really matter how strong she is as a person, if a car fucking kills you, then a car fucking kills you" I snapped back, "Can you speed the fuck up?" I shouted at the driver.

"Billie, relax," my mom said softly.


"Billie" Finneas whispered, giving me a look, immediately making me fall back in his arms and letting out violent sobs. He softly rubbed circles on my back while I tried to compose myself.


"Millie Snow Hill. She was just in a car crash a while ago and I need to see her is she okay? She better be okay." I quickly rambled in one breathe. The hospital secretary looked at me with a confused look.

"Millie Snow Hill, we are here to see her," my dad said in a more calm tone so the lady could actually understand. She nodded and held up her pointer finger to indicate us to wait. I watched her with shaky hands as she typed a few things in her computer before nodding and looking back at my dad.

"I'm assuming you are her friends?" The lady asked.

"Yes," my dad nodded.

"I'm not allowed to give you any of her information about her current state, but her family is right over there," she pointed to the seating area and I turned around, seeing her parents sitting anxiously.

I quickly paced to Kathy and Brad, Millie's parents. I also saw Dallas and Skylar sitting beside them. Skylar was in shambles. Kathy and Brad stood up from their seats and hugged me.

"So?" I looked at Millie's parents after they had finished greeting my family.

"We don't know much, the nurses haven't come to update us in a while. She's in surgery," Brad explained everything he knew. I nodded and turned to Skylar who was still crying violently. Everyone else seemed to have calmed down by now, accepting the fact that they'd have to wait for an update.

Dallas had his arms wrapped around her while she let out loud sobs. I don't know much about Dallas and Skylar but I've hung out a few times with them and Millie. She often tells me little stories about them and the kind of people they are. Skylar's parents both passed away in a car crash last year, so I can understand why this is terrifying for her. When her parents passed, Dallas and she moved into an apartment together.

I walked over to Skylar's seat and bent down in front of her, putting my hands on her knees. She pulled her face out from Dallas' shoulder and looked at me with broken and red eyes, her breathing erratic as she tried to pull herself together. "Hey, she's going to be okay" I nodded looking into her eyes. Even though I don't believe it myself, she deserves to have someone strong right now.

"H-how do you know?" She stuttered out between cries.

"Because, she has to be" I spoke softly, feeling a single tear roll down my cheek. She nodded and I wrapped my arms around her lower back as she leaned forward, hugging me and I softly rubbed her back until she calmed down a little.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hill?" I heard a male voice call out. Every single one of our eyes darted up to the nurse as Kathy and Brad stood up. The nurse walked up to them and I couldn't hear what was said but I saw the Hills nod their heads in understatement as Brad wrapped his arm around Kathy's shoulders.

a/n: This chapter took me four hours to write because I kept getting writer's block every two seconds. lmao but here ya go!

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