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TW: Homophobia

I sat at my vanity staring into the viewfinder. My tan complexion can make it hard to apply the makeup I sometimes want to. I have to find the best of the best so that the vibrant colours will actually pop.

"Hey, Billie?" I asked, getting her attention as I turned around on the vanity chair to get her attention.

"Mhm?" She hummed, setting her phone down beside her.

"Should I take the red streaks out of my hair?"

"Why? They look hot."

"I just feel like they clash with some of the looks I do," I shrugged.

A few months ago I wanted to spice up my boring black hair so I decided to add two red streaks on the front pieces that framed my face. Billie was all for it and wanted to do it for me, it was technically her idea. I do love them but at this moment I feel a little insecure.

"Just keep them in for at least a few more weeks, please," she pouted.

"Okay fine, now be quiet," I shushed her as I turned around and pressed the record button on my camera.

"Girl, I was being quiet" she chuckled.


"Alright, so I obviously have to add the peaches to this look so I'm gonna grab a Jeffree Star Liquid Lipstick in shade 'Peach Popsicle' to make the base of the peach" I explained to the camera as I began outlining the peach.

"I'm going to use another Jeffre Star Liquid Lipstick but this one in the shade," I paused to find the name of the lipstick, "Tasty. And I'm going to use it to add the little....crevice?" I turned around to Billie and she was grinning at me already.

"What the fuck do you call that?" I asked through a laugh.

"The ass crack," she said in a 'duh' tone.

"Shut up," I tuned her out her cackling and turned back to the camera, "I'm using the shade Tasty to add a curved line on top of the peach to shape it into an actual peach."

Once I was finally done with the look, I shut off my camera and ring light, and turning around to Billie who was still lying comfortably on my bed. She lifted her head from her phone and smiled at me.
God, that smile so so fucking perfect. How did I get so lucky to have this woman in my life? I don't deserve her at all.

I grabbed my crutches a hobbled over to my bed, lying next to her. "I love the look," she smirked, letting her tongue slip out of her mouth to wet her lips. She does that a lot and it kills me every time.

"Thank you" I whispered, feeling my cheeks go red.

"Why are you nervous?" Billie asked bluntly.

"I'm not" I made a confused face and turned my head to the ceiling. "Ughhh," I groaned out in annoyance.


"I forgot to grab my makeup wipes" I rolled my eyes, sitting back up and starting to grab my crutches. Before I could even stand up, Billie got off the bed and paced over to my vanity. She grabbed the package of makeup wipes and walked back to the bed. I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout and widened my eyes at her cute and thoughtful act.

"Shut up" she chuckled, shaking her head.

"I didn't say anything" I shrugged with a smirk.

She sat directly across from me and I watched her as she opened the wipes and pulled one out. Lifting it gently up to my cheek she started wiping the cool cloth against my face, removing the layers of 'paint.' My eyes subconsciously travelled to Billie's blue ones. I took not of how they glow in any lighting. The emotion and power they hold. The way I wish she sometimes looked at me the way I look at her.

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