Chapter 1

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Nightmare's P. O. V.
Well, like always, I was in the throne room. I had a book in my hand. This wasn't a normal book though.

Sci gave it to me to understand what's going on with me. I didn't want to take the book with me but oh well. It told me what the side effects are that I have and what it could lead to.

Suddenly I heard someone clear their throat. I looked and saw Cross. I closed the book and teleported it away.

"Hey boss, Dust said something about you," Cross said, walking closer to me.

I sat up properly in my throne then said, "Ok, go on."

"Ok so, don't get mad at him but...he noticed something wasn't right."

I looked at him confused then asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, he said that he noticed you were acting different. I'm not being mean but, I'm just telling you what he told me," Cross said, holding his hands up beside his head.

I waved my hand for him to lower his hands. He lowered them then looked at me dead in the eyelights.

"Bring him here and I can talk with him personally."

Cross nodded and walked off. I sighed once he left the room.

This sickness I have won't get better over night. I know that because this has been happening over a month by now. It was getting annoying to be honest.

After a few minutes Dust walked in. I could tell his body was shaking and nervousness was in his aura.

He stood in front of me and said, "You asked for me?"

I nodded then said, "Yes, Cross told me some things that you said about me."

He went wide eyed then said, "What did he say?"

I hummed then said, "I don't know if I'll say but, if you're worried about me, I'll be fine."

I could see him give me a confused look then said, "Ok?"

"You said something about me seemed off. I might have been having an off day or something."

He hummed then said, "Oh, so that's what Cross said."

I nodded then looked at the doorway and saw Error. I waved for him to come in. He came in and stood by Dust but not too close.

"What is it Error?" I asked.

He looked at me and said, "It's Ink. He came here and said he wanted to speak with you."

I stood up out of my throne and said, "Where is he?"

"Well, Horror and Killer overreacted and put him into the dungeon."

I nodded then said, "Ok thanks. And Dust, like I said, I'm fine. You two can go."

They nodded and teleported away.

I started to walk out of the throne room and down the long hallway. I wish it was closer but, it is what it is.

Once I was out of the hallway, I saw the living room to my right. I walked to my left to another hallway.

Quickly I saw the dungeon door. I opened the heavy door and entered. I sighed as there was a set of stairs going down.

I started walking down the stairs. Suddenly, I started to feel a tickle in my throat. I coughed to get the tickle out but, it wouldn't go.

I quickly went down the last two steps and leaned against the wall, covering my mouth with my right hand.

I continued to cough. I soon gagged from the coughing and that put an end to the tickle in my throat.

I looked at my hand and saw a little bit of teal and purple magic.

I sighed as I grabbed a cloth out of my pocket and wiped it off. I put the cloth back and started walking.

I looked at the cells off to my left and quickly, I found Ink. He was sitting on the floor. He looked at me with a pleading look. It seemed as if he wanted to escape. I looked and saw he had a magic restraint on his left wrist.

"Nightmare, please let me out.." Ink pleaded.

"Why did you want to talk to me?" I asked, annoyance in my voice.

He looked scared. His aura was telling me he was afraid...afraid of me.

Perfect. That works in my favor.

"W-Well," Ink started, his eyelights changing to different shapes and colors. "I wanted to talk to you about Dream."

I scoffed at him. Why does he want to talk with me about my brother?

"Why exactly?"

"You see, I've noticed he's been acting strange and-"

"Get straight to the point, I don't have all day."

"Ok ok. He's lost his mind."

I looked at him confused then said, "What do you mean?"

The look in his eyelights even showed fear. Normally he's confident in some way. If this is true, what did Dream fuck up?

"H-He...he ate a black apple.." Ink said, looking at the floor.

"I thought I ate all of them, unless you're trying to pull something."

Ink held his hands up and said loudly, "I swear I'm telling the truth! I actually recorded him going insane."

"Ok, show me unless Horror and Killer took it away."

"They put it somewhere but I don't know where."

I sighed as I pinched the top of my nose then said, "I'm pretty sure I know where they put it."

Suddenly, I felt a tightening in my chest.

No, not now! I can't show I'm weak! Not around the leader of the Star Shits!

I quickly went out of the way and hid around the corner. I leaned on the wall then slid down, my tentacles plopping beside me.

I teleported my inhaler to my hand and quickly used it.

I took deep breaths, trying to stop the tightening in my chest. I placed my hand on my chest as my vision slowly started to black out.

Black dots were floating around in my vision.

I quickly tried to grab my phone out of my pocket to only have it fall out of my hands onto the concrete floor.

I quickly felt around the floor to find it. I found it and tried calling Sci's number. I could tell he was saying something but I didn't know what he said. It sounded really muffled.

"Sci, help.."

That's all I said before passing out.

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