"Sounds good, drive safe Y/N. I'll see you when you get here." 

Then she hung up. 

Well let me finish up this cleaning quickly then. 

After about 30 minutes the doorbell rang. I went to the door and looked through the peephole. 

I opened the door and smiled. 

"Hi Y/N. Come on in." 

She entered and she was looking around. 

"It doesn't seem like it has changed much here. There are more pictures. And different ones... Your parents look so in love here... and your graduation, your mom looks so proud of you in this." She said smiling at a few pictures. 

"That one of my parents was for their 25th year anniversary that was like 2 years ago I think. They had a small little party and they were both so happy. They're still going on strong today." I said standing next to her. 

"I'm really happy to hear that they are really happy together. Last time I saw them they looked really happy together. How is your mom's health? I remember you said you came back because of something with her health." She asked me.

"Yeah she is fine, she has been doing really good these past few days. She is on some medication to help her out. My dad has been helping her out at night if things get too hard for her. I do some house work during the day to make things easier on her. I'm going to be making dinner tonight if you wanted to join. I'm sure my parents would love to see you." I said to her. 

Might as well try and see if she were to be down to stay for dinner.

"Oh um maybe. I think we should talk first before we make plans like that." She said looking down. 

"Yeah, did you want any water? Or anything to snack on?" 

"Water would be nice thank you." She said looking back up at the pictures. 

I saw that she was looking at the graduation one. 

I'm so glad my mom had taken down the one of me, Mikasa, and Armin. 

She did however have one up with me and both of my parents. Somewhere there was one of just me and Armin and then there is one of me and Historia. 

I got a glass of water for her and walked back to where she I had left her. But she wasn't there. 

"Uh, Y/N?" I called out. 

"I'm over here." I heard her call. 

I went to where she called out from and she had found the picture of me and Historia in our cap and gown. 

"I haven't talked to her in so long. I think the last time I spoke to her was maybe my third year of college." She said smiling. "Have you talked to her recently?" She asked. 

"I talked to her a bit when I first got back. She owns a flower shop with Ymir. She absolutely loves it. She got her degree in business." I said smiling at her. 

"That suits her a lot. What about the others?" She asked still smiling softly while looking at the picture. 

"I don't really know it great detail. Only the small short stories Historia had told me. Annie went into journalism, Reiner went into construction, let's see I think she said Bertholdt went into accounting, Sasha went into fashion design, Connie went into journalism as well... or did she say that was his plan but dropped it. I don't completely remember.  And then Jean... dude is busting his ass off right now in law school. Historia was saying how something switched in him their sophomore year in college and he was determined to be the best damn lawyer he can possibly be." I said with a light smile thinking back on all of them. 

"And what about Armin?" She asked. 

"I think he went away with Annie. I don't really know what he decided to do. I haven't talk to him in a long time." I said. 

I kinda missed everyone. 

"I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well. That makes me happy." She said smiling at me. 

"Yeah, um, did you want to um have a seat in the living room?" I asked her. 

"Oh yeah, sure." 

We walked to the living room and we both sat down on the couch.   

We sat for a few minutes and she was sipping on her water. 

"Um Eren?" 


"I kinda want to start." 

"Yeah we can, did you want to start with what you wanted to say or should I start."

"I can start... I don't want to be friends." 


I guess that was sorta expected. 


I guess she doesn't want me around anymore. 

All A Joke (Eren X Reader) {Modern AU}Where stories live. Discover now