Chapter 25: Protection

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"Lodge Industries has been buying properties all over the Southside. Now he buys the one newspaper in town, so people can't report on what he's doing. It's a classic gambit of mobsters and criminals," Jughead spewed out like acid.

I pushed past Pea, "Hey! I know my father doesn't have a clean slate, but look at you. The Serpents aren't all that much better. We both have made some stupid mistakes in our past but give it a break Jughead. Instead of pinning your problems onto my family, why don't you try to do something about. Yelling at Ronnie and I isn't gonna fix anything," I screamed at him as I was now in his face. Pea pulled me back by my waist and held me near him.

"How many times have I defended you," Betty's eyes laid on Ronnie, "And now you turn and stab my family in the back?"

"It sounds to me," Ronnie's voice broke, "like you should be mad at your dad for selling the newspaper, not mine."

Archie stepped forward, "Yeah, there's nothing, like evil about buying a newspaper."

"He's trying to silence the free press Archie," Jug pointed. "He's trying to keep Mrs. Cooper from coming after him."

Veronica ran a hand through her raven hair, "I am so sick of your vendetta against my dad. He's done plenty of good things."

"Oh, like w-what? Name one thing," the blonde yelled.


"He paid my dad's medical bills," Archie reasoned.

"Boy, Archie, Veronica's got you wrapped around her little finger," Jug turned from looking at my sister and I.

Betty continued to glare at her, "And other parts of her body."

I gasped at Betty's low blow at my sister.

"Oh," Veronica wasn't talking this shit,"I'm sorry. I'm sorry we don't spend our time being tragic and moping and holding hands while watching serial killer documentaries. Oh, and wearing costumes to role-play to get our rocks off-"

The sound of breaking glass filled the room.

Sweet Pea guarded me with his body, "Someone's breaking in," he grumbled.

"Who else knows we're here," Archie rambled.

A scared, wide eyed Betty glanced at the ginger, "Why'd you say it like that?"

The door opened, revealing people covered with black ski masks coming in, "Andy stay back," Pea screamed.

"You rich summer folks never learn. You just keep walking around town," I noticed that one of them had an axe, "flashing more cash than we see in a year. We're gonna take what we want, and then we're gonna go. If you guys behave yourselves, nobody gets their skulls knocked in."

"Wanna bet jackass," Pea spoke viciously.

"Pea what the fuck are you doing," I whispered at him as my gripped tightened around his biceps, pulling him further bach.

"Pea shut the fuck up," Archie yelled, "Fine, take what you want. We won't give you any trouble."

One of the covered men looked at Ronnie, "Where's your purse?"

She nervously looked away from him, "Um, it's...In my bedroom."

"Let's go to the bedroom."

"No," I screamed as I tried to get to my sister, but was held back by Pea.

"No," Archie stepped in front of V, "No way are you going with her up there alone. I'll go."

"Archie, it's fine. I'll be fine. We'll be right back. Everybody just needs to stay calm," she walked away with the intruder.

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