NINE || Progress on Different Levels

Start from the beginning

"So...the demons had been able to change two of her elements completely? And also steal powers from entities for their own?" Solaria's face seemed to turn ghostly and they ran their hands through their white hair. This news clearly distraught him. "This isn't  good. Acacius has  to be behind this, same with the nicks that Kage tried to find out about."

"Exactly. He's doing something and even though a theory has been put in place, it won't be proven right away. We will have to dig deeper into this." Ryōgaku agreed, nodding their head. "I can try helping out when I can but I think that I might have to take some time off as well."

"And that's perfectly okay." Shisetsu comforted her sibling. "You've been through a lot." she rested a hand on their shoulder.

The blond ram entity nodded and soughed, waving to the others. They were going to get some rest.

Kiyo looked back at Solaria, who had been silent this whole time. "Mx. Solaria? Everythin' okay?"

Solaria looked up and the protector and his girlfriend could see tears rolling down his hues. "N-No. I'm actually very worried...about all this. Finding out this information has confirmed the fears I've been having ever since that deal years ago. Acacius had made that deal to mess with us and he doesn't care if we get back in time. So he's trying to hurt entities that he's captured to achieve his plan."

Kiyo's hues broadened. "Which means...?"

"Which means that if we don't, then he is going to stay to his word and get rid of all of us. For good. So we need to up our game and try to prepare for whatever comes our way." Solaria stood up, their sadness mixed with anger and resolve. "We need to get the other entities back as soon as we can so we can finally beat Acacius' ass."


Two days later


"Sakari? Are you alright?"

The brown-skinned teen's hues opened and blinked back to reality. Sakari hadn't realized that their face had faceplanted their book in the middle of a lecture. They looked up to see Mrs. Nozomi there with a concerned look on her features.

"I-I'm fine...I just had a bad weekend." she felt bad for lying, but she didn't want to worry her teacher.

"Okay. It's just that I hadn't expected you to fall asleep. If you ever need to take a break, just let me know." the purple-haired woman gave her student a soft smile and went back to her desk. Sakari could hear her picking back up on the chapter about the Seishin sisters.

The teen rubbed at their hues and yawned, flipping to the page that Mrs. Nozomi had told the class to flip to. Leiko looked over at Sakari and rolled her hues.

Class eventually ended after the chapter was finished and Sakari set on her way to her math class. 

"It's not like you to slack off like that, blonde streaks." the green-haired girl spoke up, causing Sakari to turn around.

"I wasn't slacking off. I did have a bad weekend. That happens to us sometimes." Sakari wasn't usually this annoyed at Leiko, but she just wanted to get through the day right now.

"Yeah but you're the star student of the class, newbie." Leiko glared at her. "Star students don't slack off."

"...Look." Sakari rested a hand on their forehead, exasperated. "Can you just leave me alone? I need to get to class. And when did you start caring?"

"I never did. I just don't like you." Leiko glared once more, pushing Sakari's shoulder after she walked off. 

Sakari's mouth opened and they just stared at the greenette. Shisui, who had been on his way to to his class, saw what went down. 

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