Chapter 9 - So Percy has a nightmare and decided to attack his friend...

Start from the beginning

They walked out onto the balcony and sat on the bench, Percy curling into Annabeth as they looked at the stars.

"We were back with the arai. I couldn't help you, they kept attacking us. Then I killed one, and usually I can tell who cursed me, but this time I couldn't. It hurt so, so much, Annabeth. 

"Then I got cut and I could sense the blood leaving my body, and it was like gushing out. It sucked, feeling it leave like that." He shuddered, and Annabeth gripped him tighter. "It sucked. But you woke me up before it got too bad. Thanks, Wise Girl,"

"Anytime, Seaweed Brain,"

Percy rested his head against Annabeth's shoulder and sighed, heavy with things unsaid. Annabeth just pulled him closer to her and whispered, "I know, Perce, I know," 


They had fallen asleep on the balcony so got front row tickets to Apollo's one man performance. Percy was woken up by the the rising sun and quickly got up to carry Annabeth inside so she could get a few more minutes of sleep while he got ready for school. 

Percy was exhausted, his head feeling as though it had just been trampled by a herd of Part Ponies. Unfortunately, he couldn't skip school as he had missed far too much last year and it was only the second day of the new year. 

As he walked out the bathroom he saw Annabeth getting up, studying the new surroundings that she knew she did not fall asleep in. She rubbed sleep from her eyes and opened her mouth to ask but Percy beat her to it.

"I carried you inside, like, half an hour ago cause we feel asleep out there. I didn't want to wake you up, and it was earlier than usual so I just let you sleep,"

"Thanks," She got up and wrapped her arms around his waist. "How are you feeling?" 

"Better than yesterday, but I'm tired," Percy replied, hugging her back. 

"Well, you can nap at lunch, I guess,"

"Mmph," He grunted into her shoulder. They stayed there for another minute or two before Percy pulled away and let Annabeth get ready, waiting on the bed. 

When she was finished, they both walked downstairs and joined Paul at the table. He had made toast for them, so they sat down and started buttering it, each munching on a bowl of cereal.

Paul seemed to realise one of them had a bad night, and didn't want to talk, so he let them eat in silence, only saying that he was going to leave in twenty minutes if they wanted a lift to school. 

They accepted his offer and they were both pulling on their shoes when Sally came down. The three of them quickly said their goodbyes to her and jumped into Paul's car, heading off to school.


They got out of the car and looked around realising they were some of the only people around the school. They debated going inside or waiting until some of their friends came, but they didn't have to make that decision when they saw some of their friends run up to them. It was Aliyah and Karl, arriving at school together after learning they lived only a few streets away.

"Oi! Percy, Annabeth!" Karl shouted to them, halting them in their movement towards the school. The couple slowed down and waited for Aliyah and Karl to catch up to them, waiting in a group on the stairs, deciding to wait for the rest of their friends.

"Hey guys! Do you usually come to school together?" Percy asked, waving hello to his friends.

"No, uh, we actually just realised we live so close to each other. We messaged the others, they should be here soon," Karl explained.

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