I keep my word

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I keep my word,swear to god and the heavens, off to the sprouts of crime and Notradame. I don't think there is such thing as the sprouts of crime.

"Uh Emily," Polly said, as we were standing by a bus stop. The breeze feels good in this time of year; you know, sometime in July. "You do know there's a cute guy following you."

I look at Polly, wiggling my nose, cliche as it sounds.

"No, I am not," I denied.

"Don't deny it," Polly said. "He has been following you for the past thirty minutes since we got back from the zoo."

I dare anyone, if god was instructing an angel to jot down my story, to treat my story like a musical and sing the dialogue out loud. At least it is just a dare for this bus stop scene just to show how any scene in life can be turned into a musical. I had a little violet under my nose somewhat twirling it.I had to think; how to get rid of a stalker.

Plan number 1; walk away,slip a small can of pepper spray up my sleeve, slip my flip-phone into one hand, and flip over the dude then take a picture and pepper spray his eyes.

"That long?" I ask in a whisper.

"It has," Polly said, with a nod.

"Polly, I'll be right back," I said.  "I forgot to get something down the street."

"You go girl," Polly said. "Kick his ass."

I turn away having a small smile spread across my face. I did exactly what I planned without making it so obvious by pretending to get out a wallet and credit card. I had a fashionably wide dark blue hat shadowing my eyes.My bag is hugging against my waist well sorta landing against it because of my quick paced—and casual appealing—stride. I had my attention to the billfold yet had one eye wary to the right.A slice of darkness coming out a passageway drew my attention. What a perfect place to do the worst.I walk into a abandoned alley that had a dark vibe coming out of it.

Into the alley where the crunch of men shoes confirmed Polly's observation.

Then I quickly turn around,flip the man over, take a snap shot using my flip-phone and pepper-spray his eyes.

Oh, did I mention that was Loki?

"My eyes!" Loki yelps, shielding his now red eyes.  "They burn!"

"I keep my word," I said, walking right past Loki right back into the street.

I told him so, and Loki refused to believe. I could hear Loki's squeak while he rolled over. A man who is very complicated when he has a completely different background than dear old mine. He surely is lucky to be a god raised among those who shared his same infliction; to live forever. His infliction is the same as mine. We can live forever until our lifespan comes to the end of the road where the expiration date has arrived.

"Emily,you will pay for that!" Loki shouts, and then he coughs.

"Bite me!" I shout back.

The busy street reminded me strongly how the time of using carriages by horses had come to pass.

"...I can't exactly bite you with my eyes burning!" Loki exclaims.

Six hundred years ago this part of Boston was remarkably different from how it is now. If he wanted to get a straight request from me then Loki had to knock first on the door, no disguises, and no sneaking up on me. I came back, smiling ear to ear, to the bus stop.

"How did it go?" Polly asks.

"I totally won." I said, turning my attention down to the flip-phone. I posted the photograph into my reality's internet.

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