Start from the beginning

"She did. She told Tim and she texted me last night about it, so I told Mitch when I got here." Charlotte walked over with her guitar hanging from her shoulder and handed me a water bottle to try and ease my irritation.

Why the hell did Tim not tell me?

I break the seal of the bottle and take a long sip out of it to mask my annoyed attitude towards the situation. This is in no way Naomi's fault, everyone in the band has side gigs or other jobs so I completely understand.

What I don't understand is how Tim fails at his job every single time. I fucking hate that man. He's supposed to be my manager and make things easier, not harder that's his fucking job, that stupid bloke.

"Okay, well I guess we can't work on Sign of the Times since that's like majorly based around the piano. We're gonna just have to keep messing around with Willow's song so we can try and get it right." I huff out as I throw my bag down on the black leather couch that accompanied the wall that the door was on, which was across from the control panels.

"You do know it's basically your song now and it also has a name." Sarah speaks up from her seated position behind her drum set.

"It's still Willow's song, I won't take even half the credit for it until we finalize it."

"Who's Willow?" Adam looks in between Sarah and I. Sometimes I forget not everyone knows who Willow is. Maybe she would want to meet the band one day, I don't see any harm in that.

Who wouldn't want to meet the people who would be bringing her songs to life?

"Our friend" Sarah, Mitch and I all speak up at once causing us to laugh out at the same time. I swear those two have their brains connected. It's sometimes scary how alike they are, now it's rubbing off onto me.

"You guys are so weird." Adam rolls his eyes and walks over to grab his guitar and goes to write on our whiteboard that had a bunch of different ideas for the album all over it. I watch as he draws six stick figures with mini instruments in their hands. "Look it's us, the Sarah Jones band!"

"What the-" I go to protest but Sarah interrupts me.

"Hell yeah it is." She gloats as she points one of her drumsticks in my direction. "Now come on Styles, we have some songs to record."


With the months passing by, the stress of the album became more prominent because I needed it finalized by October for it's release date. Just thinking about music right now is causing a pounding headache to overtake my mind.

Medicine doesn't work since it's never strong enough, so the thing I replace it with is the only thing to distract my mind from both the pain and the stress.


Not the healthiest remedy, but it helps. It's not like I can't control myself with it. I still have a grip of control when it comes to alcohol, I just tend to drink it a lot more since I moved to America.

Loneliness and anxiety drove me to relish in the toxic substance and the state that it put me in.

No one knew about my slight drinking problem and quite frankly I don't feel the need to let anyone help me. I don't need the help, I have it under control. I don't let it go too far, I'm far too dependent without it.

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