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Waking up the morning after drinking with an excruciating fucking headache was not how I wanted to spend my Sunday, but here I was.

I came home so drunk last night with my head all scrambled, that I forgot to shut my curtains. So instead of sleeping in, I woke up with the sun shining right into my bedroom.

I don't regret going out, I would've probably gotten drunk on my own anyway, but going out and meeting Mitch and Sarah's friends was something I didn't know I needed.

That Milo guy talked so fucking much, I could tell it was because of all the alcohol he consumed, but shit he was just a rambling mess of words.

Even though he talked a lot, he still engaged in a conversation and made it seem like he cared about what I said. He never let it seem one sided and it was nice to have someone care about what you had to say for once.

Having a friend like Milo probably fueled Mitch's sarcasm though, I could just tell those two were the trouble of their little group.

What did she call it again? The four stooges or something stupid like that.

But she, oh my fuck, was not what I expected.

When Mitch first showed me the songs in Jamaica, I had assumed him and Sarah wrote them.

I instantly felt like I needed them whether they were finished or not, but when Mitch said he had to ask his friend I was confused.

He went on about how his best friend writes songs with him and she was the one behind the divine lyrics. The way he described her was like she was the saving grace among their friends and the light of all their lives.

I thought he was just shitting just to get me to approve of the songs, but last night proved that his portrayal of her was correct.

As Mitch and I walked up to the booth last night when I first got there, I could tell their group was close, the bond was almost intimidating.

The mood instantly switched though when Mitch started bellowing out jabs at Willow about not having her shoes on and showing up late.

Definitely didn't expect to meet her barefoot at a pub, but that works too.

She seemed right embarrassed which was what Mitch wanted because her cheeks became inflamed and she diverted her eyes to her drink with a little chuckle.

Throughout the night and listening to everyone's conversations, I could tell Willow lived up to Mitch's description she was like a magnet to my attention.

Someone I couldn't get off my mind at all last night, that's why I followed her to the bar to get drinks when she put the offer up to the booth.

I wanted to get to know her more.

I wanted to become close with her.

I wanted, no needed almost, more friends and last night I got a little taste of that. That little grasp was enough to leave me wanting more experience with their bond.

The conversation Willow and I had on the way back to her flat said a lot about her as a person though.

When she got drunk, she had no filter.

She was careless and moving along as life sped by.

Her personality was one that I admired already.

She had no hesitation in inviting me over on Saturday, she was full of no shame and cared deeply about her friends.

I get up from my warm bed and head to my bathroom diving straight into the medicine cabinet to grab Advil to try and tame my damn headache.

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