One Year

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Wow, I cant even believe that I have been making these preferences for a year now its crazy. I really never thought that my book, my stupid little writings would get 49.34K reads, that's so fucking insane!. When I originally got the idea to write a pregnancy preference book it took me weeks just to think and plan out all the one's I was gonna write and I was so nervous to post anything because I didn't know if anyone would like it. The feedback I got from all of you reading this book and voting made me feel like my writing was worth something. I never really thought my writings were any good or that people would take time out of their day just to ready what I posted but you guys did and I am so damn grateful to you. You guys gave me hope that maybe one day my writing will get better and I've thought of so many stories to post that are saved in my create because I still feel doubt if you guys would like it or read it. I also know that I slack at updating a lot and I am sooooo sorry. I really do love writing and I could do it all day as long as I had some coffee and music playing but school gets in the way which I hate, and I've been going through something with my best friend that's kinda been really hard on me. In no way does this mean I'm gonna stop writing because that would be crazy, but, what I will do is, push everything that is bothering me to the back of my head and sit down to write for all you lovely people. Thank you to everyone who has ever read this book or has been there from the start I love you all so much you don't even know! Part 2 of the labor will be posted a bit later, because I haven't finished writing it (yikes) but it will be up tonight. When I'm done with that I'll probably go watch a marathon of either Supernatural, Friends, or Psych (lmfao). Anyways I love you all, thanks for everything. 

                                                        xoxoxoxoxoxoxox <3

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