Late Valentines Day Special :)

Comenzar desde el principio


"Percy wa-" I tried protesting again.



And with that my boyfriend vanished from view.


*H a z e l*

"Are you excited for our date?" I asked Frank.

"Very. What are we going to be doing on this fine day?"

"I know you'll love the activity I chose for us."

"And what would that be?"

"Horseback riding."


"At Camp Half Blood."

"Uh Haze, I don't know if you've noticed but Camp Half Blood is across the country."

"I know, Arion will pull us there by chariot."

"Oh okay."


Four hours later, our Camp Half Blood ride ended with both of us giggling like 5 year olds.

"Frank, it's nice to know horse jumping isn't your style because you are the definition of suck." I said giggling.

"Why thank you, miss Hazel, I had no idea, infact that statement just crushed my dreams."

"We should probably be getting home right? Or are we staying here?"

"We are staying here."

"Well, then I'm going to sleep."

"Okay, Good night horse boy."

"Goodnight horse girl."


*T h a l i a*

"Ugh I personally find this holiday stupid. In my perspective, if you love someone, then Valentines day should be jut like every other day, when you are both treated by each other with love. You don't need to buy some cheesy card and cheap gas station chocolates to show someone you love them. I hate this holiday." I stated to the hunter, who brought up the topic of valentines day.

"Wow Thalia, that's the deepest thing I've ever heard you say." said Phoebe.

"And it's the last deep thing you will ever hear. C'mon, monsters don't kill themselves, correct? Let's go." I said, walking out of my tent.

"Okay so we know somebody doesn't like Valentines day." grumbled Phoebe.

"I heard that!" I called back to her laughing .


*K a t i e *

Valentines day is the greatest holiday for me.

That is because everyone wants the best flowers for their girlfriends, they come to me to grow them and pick them.

I, however do not have a boyfriend, nor do I want one.

I hope that this valentines day go better than last years, then the Stoll brothers destroyed my flowers with paintball guns.

Let's just say that's the last time they will ever do that, unless they want to be wrapped with poison ivy.

The conch horn sounded, signaling breakfast, so I gathered my cabin and we walked to our table.

When I looked around for all the couples presenting their lover with chocolate, but when I looked over at the Hermes cabin to see the lovers there, there was two boys gone.

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