19- Detention

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It was now Sunday and she entered the detention room. She shivered and sat down at the cold seat. A few other people came in for their detention but she paid no mind to them.

She just studied and did her work. She thought this was good for her anyway. It motivated her to do her work. Maybe she should get another detention on a different day. It could be like study periods. She smiled and shook her head, continuing her work.

See? She could be happy by herself.

She could..

The teacher dismissed them and she got up, the first out.

"Y/n!" He called and she walked a bit faster.

His hand came to her shoulder to stop her. She looked up at him blankly and looked away, continuing to walk. He walked next to her.

"Listen, I didn't mean what I said.." He said slowly, trying to convince her.

"What do you want me to do about it?" She asked, looking straight ahead.

"Forgive me?"

"Yeah, no."

"Why not?" He asked.

"You want me to forgive you just so you can do your little games on me, kiss me then finally get me in your bed." She grimaced at the grass.

"You've been in my bed before." He joked. She didn't find it funny.

"You know exactly what I meant." She said bitterly.

"I'm just asking for-"

"Sorry! Excuse me." Someone had blocked Y/n's way to walk and looked at her. Draco stopped too, just behind her.

"Yes?" She asked. It was a boy who was at least two years younger than her.

He pulled out a flower and handed it to her. "Here." He smiled. Her eyes widened and she immediately touched her mark on her neck but was reminded by herself that younger people could not see it.

She recovered and took the flower. She didn't see Draco roll his eyes.

"Thank you! It's so beautiful. I love tulips." She smiled and he blushed.

"I'll see you around." He said and left.

See? She could be happy. She walked ahead smelling the flower but it was quickly taken out of her hands. She furrowed her eyes brows and looked at Draco who crumpled it and threw it away.

Her mouth was open in disbelief and he continued walking. She snapped out of it and walked behind him.

"Just because you're jealous doesn't mean you had to destroy that flower!"

"No. I'm not jealous, that kid should know you're mine." He informed. She rolled her eyes. "He's lucky he can't see the marks." He finished.

"You keep proving to me time and time again you really don't know how this works." She sighed and wanted to walk away but didn't get the chance.

"Then let's say I was jealous. Then what?" He asked. They walked slowly beside each other.

"I find it cute." She shrugged. He looked away. "But childish that you're so threatened by a third year." She laughed. He rolled his eyes.

"A cute one at that." She shrugged and he gave her a glare.

She laughed. "Too jealous." She said.

"Then I am jealous. Maybe I want to spend more time with you." He stopped, making her stop too.

"Then I would say you have to work for it." He looked down at her and she shook her head, turning away from his blank eyes.

But his eyes were coming up with a plan to work for it.

He had to admit, it was more than fair. He could do things her way.

He could.

He rubbed his eyes and sighed.

Then finally she would do things his way.


Daphne smiled ahead as she kept eating a bite and blushing.

"This is extremely unordinary" Pansy said, amused.

"Never seen anything like it." Y/n agreed.

Daphne snapped out of it and looked at Y/n.

"Welcome back." Pansy smiled.

"Whatever." Daphne smiled and rolled her eyes.

Daphne was sort of afraid to ask but she did anyway.

"Say Y/n," She paused. Y/n looked up from her book and looked at her expectantly. "so, anything new with Draco?" She asked. Pansy's eyebrows raised.

"I don't know. He says that he thinks he likes me but I don't believe him." She shrugged.

"That is a start.." Pansy said quietly.

"I don't care I mean.. if he leaves then he does. I just feel as if I'm being played." She rolled her eyes and they landed on Draco who was whispering with Blaise.

"Nothing new, right?" She told her friends quietly. A sense of sympathy came upon the two.

"I just think your method is rubbish." Draco said as he and Blaise crowded around his text book.

"My method takes only two steps and it gets you the full marks while yours is like 10 steps! You'll be done with your first question and your test would already be over." Blaise replied.

"Don't be silly! I've never left a question blank!" Draco reminded him.

"You've been telling that lie since first year." Theo said from across them.

"You're not even apart of this." Draco waved him off.

"Now back to your method. It works but you're doing unnecessary steps." Blaise pointed to Draco's question that he had worked out prior to this conversation.

Theo huffed and continued reading his book but couldn't pay attention because of their bickering.

"Fine, teach me your method." Draco rolled his eyes.

"I don't even need to explain it, it's self explanatory." Blaise shoved his work book towards Draco and pointed at the question.

"Fine, don't explain it to me." Draco shoved him away.

"See you're just like your method, too many steps and not easy." Blaise said.

"You're not easy, you won't even teach me your 'oh so great' formula!" Draco said a bit loudly, gathering a few people's attention.

"Now it's just a method, why are you so pressed?" Theo put his book down and gave them a tired look.

"It's not just a method!" Blaise told him. Draco and Blaise were now standing up.

"Now back to our conversation." Draco said to Blaise.

"Oh shut up." Theo muttered.

"More like a disagreement." Blaise told him back.

"Okay Blaise please sit down," Theo paused. "AND SHOW DRACO THE METHOD!" He yelled. The hall went a bit silent.

Draco and Blaise did not feel awkward whatsoever.

"Okay watch Theo." Draco said. Theo watched.

"Say Blaise, will you teach me the method?" Draco asked in fake innocence.

Blaise took a deep breath. He was surpassingly calm. "No I will not-" SMACK!

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