31- A Connection?

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"They're finally out." Daphne said as she and Pansy watched the Slytherin Team come out. The Slytherin team flew out and the Slytherin stands cheered. Y/n rolled her eyes as she clapped along with the rest of them.

They started playing and Y/n had no choice but to pay attention. She looked around and didn't really pay attention to the game or Draco. Her friends would rise from their seats and cheer while she just stayed in her seat. It was fun to watch a quidditch game but right now she was not in the mood.

I guess you could say that- "Y/N!" Someone screamed. She shot her head up to where the voice came from but didn't know who it was as she felt something very, very hard hit her head back. She was now unconscious.

The game stopped and all the people around Y/n looked wide eyed. Pansy screamed. Y/n's face was bleeding heavily she could not tell from where.

She was quickly lifted up away to the infirmary.

Two Hours Later:

Y/n twitched. She tried opening her eyes but she couldn't. She could panicked. She couldn't open her eyes! She sat up and started breathing to calm herself down. She felt her whole face compressed with bandages.

"Hey.. Hey!" She heard. She felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Why can't I open my eyes?" Y/n whispered. She licked her lips as they were dry and tasted blood.

"They're just.. really bruised." Daphne answered.

"They couldn't heal your eyes when you slept." She heard Pansy say.

"O-Okay." Y/n sighed and laid back slowly. "Can you heal them now then?" Y/n asked.

"I'll call Madam Pomfrey." Pansy said. Y/n heard footsteps and she felt someone else come.

"Glad you're awake dear! Please sit up while I heal your eyes." She heard her voice. Y/n nodded. Her eyes started to throb but it quickly went away, and she could open her eyes.

She slowly touched them to check if they still hurt and they were as good as new. But her face was still covered in bandages and she felt horrible. She looked at her friends first. They looked tired and sad. Madam Pomfrey scurried away.

"What happened?"

"You were hit with a bludger." Pansy answered her. Y/n nodded and looked around at her surroundings. She squinted her eyes at the bed next to hers, behind Daphne.

"Who's that?" Y/n asked. The person sleeping in the bed had their back faced towards her, ask bandages covered their face.

"Um.. It's Draco." Pansy said slowly.

"What's he doing here?" Y/n asked cluelessly.

"Y/n.. as soon as you were hit by the bludger, he got knocked out cold too, same injuries also." Daphne answered.

Y/n felt an uneasiness in her stomach. "Has he woken up yet?" She asked, still looking at him.

"No.. but his eyes aren't swollen. It wasn't as bad as yours." Pansy answered.

"You guys can go. I can tell you're tired." Y/n smiled faintly to both of them. They hesitated. "It's okay, you guys can visit tomorrow." She urged them quietly. They nodded and stood up.

"We love you." Daphne smiled. Pansy nodded and made a heart shape with her hands that made Y/n giggle. They turned and left out the door.

Y/n sighed and leaned her back against the wooden headboard of the bed. She had her eyes fixed on Draco the whole time. So their injuries were connected? Could they read minds? That would be cool.

Suddenly the doors burst open and Y/n quickly acted like she was asleep, turning her back away.

"Ah, star crossed lovers." She heard Theo say. Blaise rolled his eyes. They both looked down on Draco.

"Wow he looks bad." Blaise commented.

"But have you seen Y/n?" Theo paused. "How did the bludger just happen to go in the stands? It's never done that before."

"No idea. I've proposed to McGonagall to add some magical barriers. It should of been added in the first place." Blaise said.

Draco opened his eyes and his friends saw.

"Awww." Theo said as he and Blaise looked down on Draco. "It's like seeing a baby chicken hatch."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows. "You...hsjust... wait untillll I gettt you.." Draco said drunkly. He tried whacking Theo but he was too slow.

"Agh! I feel disgusting!" Draco exclaimed. He sat up quickly. Big mistake, as his head hurt immediately. "OW!" He yelled.

"So reckless." Blaise sighed. Draco rubbed his head.

"Why do I have so many bandages on my face?" He started to try and take them off but Theo whacked his hand away.

"You should see Y/n. She's worse than you."

Draco looked at them blankly then looked around, and finally saw her. Her back was faced towards them.

"Are we connected or something?" Draco muttered, rubbing the left side of his neck.

"Something like that.." Blaise shrugged.

"We'll be back soon alright?" Theo said. Draco nodded and laid back down, pulling the covers over him and groaning. He felt horrible.

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