20- Dancing

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Theo had thrown his book at Blaise.

"What do you mean you won't?" Draco asked.

Blaise leaned in. "Draco I'm not teaching you this. Why don't you go to your beloved Y/n, the one you were trying to talk to all lesson but failed as she doesn't even want anything to do with you!" He whispered.

"I don't get why you're mad?" Draco asked, starting to get mad himself.

"Look at yourself, you started off not wanting to do anything with her now you want her. It isn't a game or an on-and-off switch." Blaise shook his head.

"Maybe you should stop focusing on me and go ahead and focus on your own life. Where's Daphne? Are you even talking to her?" Draco asked with his hands in front of him.

Blaise gave him a cold look.

"You're my friend just teach me it." Draco said.

"I'm not going to be used every time for homework when I have my own things to do." Blaise finished coldly.

Draco looked him up and down briefly.

"Fine, give me your book, I'll try and learn it myself." Draco muttered, sitting down in his seat and getting Blaise's book.

Blaise still stood.

"Maybe if you weren't too focused on hurting someone else's feelings maybe, just maybe you'd have your life set out straight." He was about to sit when Draco pushed him back. He stumbled over his seat but Blaise quickly got up while Draco collected his things and wanted to leave.

"What are you doing?" Blaise demanded. Draco turned around.

"No because what you just said was a lie. My life is set out straight, you're the one who needs a straightening." Draco threatened and turned away, to leave.

The great hall had seen all of it and there were many murmurs.

Y/n squinted her eyes slightly. Blaise had sat back down with Theo across from him and everyone resumed.

Soon enough Theo got up and left. Y/n excused herself and followed behind. She made sure to stay far.

"Do you get it now?" Theo had asked Draco quietly. She watched from behind the corner.

She saw them hug then separate. Draco had whispered something to Theo who rubbed Draco's shoulder comfortingly and then left. She emerged from the corner and slowly approached him from behind. He was in front of a big window, his hands resting on the window sill as he took deep breaths.

She put her hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay-"

He jumped and quickly turned, grabbing her hand tightly. As soon as he saw it was her he let go and turned again. He let out a deep breath.

"Hello." She tried. She stepped beside him.

"Hi." He spoke quietly. She figured he didn't want to talk so she let them stay in a comfortable silence, and he was glad for it. Maybe that's why they were soulmates. Maybe she could be the person who finally knew him when he didn't even know himself. But there was so much doubt in his mind.

"Would you like to take a walk outside with me?" She asked quietly. So quiet that her voice had disappeared at one point. He nodded and turned, leading the walk. She walked beside him and they made it outside.

There was a crowd outside and they all gathered, some swaying and some dancing slowly with one another. Draco tried walking away to lead them elsewhere but she went closer. He sighed and followed her.

There was a small stage and a small band that were 4th years, singing and playing their instruments. It wasn't upbeat but very calming, soft, and beautiful. Y/n smiled. This was her home.

Draco became sort of interested in the music and enjoyed listening to it suddenly. She had lead them to the middle of the big crowd. Draco couldn't help but give a small smile. He loved crowds.

The audience was really enjoying the music and it was a really lovely atmosphere.

Draco felt her hand brush against his own. It was only once and he still looked ahead at the band. He did it back to hers, and she did it back also after a moment. Instead of touching hers, he held her hand and she held back. They held on tightly, their fingers interlocked together.

Y/n smiled to herself a bit as she still looked ahead. It was funny that his hand was cold like his personality was sometimes. Sometimes, because she knew he was warm too. He wasn't always cold.

The song had changed to another slow song and Y/n suddenly felt a pull on her hand. She was pulled towards him. He put his hand in her hip and hers went to his shoulder, their interlocked fingers now become looser, the air freely flowing through.

He looked down on her the whole time and she liked it, that he made her not want to look away. He had a sort of look in his eyes that she could not decipher. They became deeper to her with so much detail.

As Draco studied her he furrowed his eyebrows a bit. He felt weird, and he guessed that it was because he'd never seen anyone like her before, or that he'd never had someone make him feel like this. He guessed it was all the universes' soulmate doing, their magic. But he had to admit to himself she always stand out.

He spun her around and she leaned into his chest, now looking to the side as her head rested on him. The music had stopped and the band thanked everyone tremendously.

They separated and walked beside each other in silence. It had started to become a bit dark.

"Why don't.. why don't you go to your dorm and I'll get us food?" She asked. He suddenly stopped with slightly widened eyes and looked at her. She stopped too.

"Really?" He asked in surprise.

"Yes, why not?" She smiled crookedly.

"But," He paused as they continued walking. She smiled at how he had gotten so comfortable with her and how his mood changed to a bit happier. "I should be coming with you." He pocketed his hands.

She agreed and they rushed slightly to dinner to get food, and head down to his dorm.

His friends weren't there and Y/n could see a bit of relief on his face. He motioned to his bed and she sat cross-legged on it, starting to eat. He closed the curtains around his bed and placed his plate in front of hers, then laid down. He didn't feel hungry.

Y/n cast a silencing charm around their bed, and Draco saw her do it. She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable when his friends came in to sleep after dinner. She silently ate and kept her thoughts to herself.

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