18- Jealousy

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It had been a few days. The last time she talked to Draco was Tuesday and it was now Saturday.

She was very good at ignoring him.

But who the hell was she fooling? The only reason she was so good at ignoring him was because he didn't even approach her!

She didn't need him. She could be by herself.

But did McGonagall have to tell her she was going to be in a world filled with sadness without her soulmate? Why did it have to be that way?

Why did she have to depend on someone? Why did it have to be Malfoy? He was the least caring person.

It seemed as though he cared for her the last days they spoke but she was quickly reminded what she had forgotten. He was only with her to prove her wrong.

Now that he did prove her wrong, he would leave her alone. His job was done. He was probably pleased while she sat on her bed moping over her text book work.

She groaned loudly and threw her text book away.

"Who made this rubbish?!" She demanded. Why did everything have to have such a logical answer? Such complicated answers? When the answer could be just so simple!

Humans made everything so complicated, it was sickening.

She sighed and made it down to lunch.

"Hey Y/n." Dean smiled and sat beside her.

"Hello." She smiled kindly and cut her food.

"Listen, I know I may be annoying but I saw in class that you found this topic easy, but I just need a small explanation as to how to actually do it. Do you mind?" He asked nervously. She nodded happily.

"I don't mind of course, of course!" She took his text book and looked over it.

"Alright, this is easy. Have some paper?" She asked and he nodded, bending down beside to pull paper from his bag.

"I'll write on this paper for you, then you can keep the method and use it to help." She started writing the question on it.

"Sounds good!" He smiled. "Thank you again, you don't know how much I appreciate it."

She nodded and smiled.

"Okay, so you need to apply this formula to the top, bottom, and sides."

"Why though?" He asked.

"Think about it this way. It's just the way you have to do it. If you do a few practice questions with this method you won't forget it. It's just the way everyone does it to get the answer. With me so far?" She asked.

"Yes." He smiled and she nodded, writing down the formula on the other side of the parchment.

"If you stare harder I think your eyes will pop out." Blaise commented.

"Maybe he'll gain some mind control power?" Theo joked. Blaise shoved his shoulder as they both laughed.

"You guys aren't even funny." He told them.

Before they could reply Daphne and Pansy sat down and made themselves known.

"Hey guys." Daphne smiled.

Draco rolled his eyes.

"He's bitter cause his soulmate's studying with someone other than him." Theo told the girls, snickering. Draco groaned quietly.

The girls looked to where Y/n was.

"She looks so beautiful." Daphne said in awe.

Draco snapped his eyes towards the girls with a weird look on his face. Did they just normally compliment each other like this?

"Yeah, the mark suits her too. Too bad her soulmate's rubbish." Pansy sighed. Draco kicked her leg.

"Ow!" She hissed, shooting him a glare.

"Annnnnd I think that's it. It's correct, right?" Y/n asked, motioning him to check the answer at the back of the text book.

"Yes it's correct, of course. Thank you. I really understood it." He closed his text book and started eating with her.

"So who is your soulmate? Know yet?" She asked.

"I don't know. I think they lives far away but I hope it's easy to find her." He sighed.

She rubbed his shoulder and Draco visibly twitched.

"It's okay. It's kind of scary but I promise you'll find yours." She smiled and ate a bite from her food.

"Thank you. Who's yours?" He asked curiously.

She smiled and sighed.

"Oh, I don't really have a soulmate." She shrugged.

"But you have a mark?" He asked.

"Yeah but.. he doesn't want to be with me." She gave a crooked sad smile and faced her food.

"I admire you. You're always happy and kind. But it's okay to be sad sometimes. I care about you so if you have anything to talk about talk to me." He gave her a comforting smile. She was close to tearing up but wiped it away.

She stood up and climbed over her seat. He seemed to get the idea and did it also. They hugged each other tightly.

"Aw." Daphne said." Draco rolled his eyes.

"Thank you.. so much." Y/n said quietly. They separated and Y/n packed her things quickly.

"I'll catch you later, alright?" She said and he nodded happily.

"Bye, Y/n." He smiled. "Bye Dean." She gave a sad smile and walked past him and went to her room.

All Draco knew was that he wanted to talk to her again.

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