16- Library

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"Y/l/n, look! Look!" Draco urged.

"Malfoy, you already showed me 5 poems, 10 lines, 2 sonnets and a book." She said without looking up from her book. They sat on the floor at the back of the library with their backs to the wall, beside each other reading.

"Well excuse me if I'm passionate about literature. Merlin!" He joked, and continued reading.

She sighed. "Okay fine, show me." She put the book on her lap. He sat up properly with a smile and looked at it his book. He pointed to the line and showed it to her, but she wasn't able to read it as they became interrupted by a noise.

The door had slammed shut.

"Why did the door close?" She asked.

"Who cares, read it." He ordered as he shoved the book in her face. She whacked him away and looked out the window above them.

"Merlin's beard! It's already night!" She shrieked and was going to get up, but he pulled her back down.

"Let's stay here, it'll be fun." He offered. She thought he wasn't serious and got up but he pulled her back down.


He didn't let go. She huffed and sat with her back against the wall.

He let go of her thinking she wouldn't run but she did, and she got up running towards the door. She couldn't, as Draco came and tackled her to the floor.

"Ow! Is this your idea of fun?" She hissed.

"Yes, actually." He hugged her tighter.

"We can't stay here. Bring the book and we can read it tomorrow." She tried. He stayed silent, thinking. He decided to let her go and she was relieved. She rolled over away from him and looked at the ceiling.

She turned to look at him and he was also on his back looking at the ceiling.

He was fun, she thought. He really was. Sometimes he was much, but that was who he was, she guessed. He wasn't even that bad, what was he even talking about?

She hadn't noticed he already got up and was trying to help her up. She noticed and snapped out of it, taking his hands. He lifted her up and their hands still held each other's. They snuck out and walked down the hall.

"You're turn." He said as he made them take a sharp turn towards the dungeons.

"Who said I wanted my turn?" She asked, trying to pull herself away from him.

"Me, I did. It's your turn. I had mine. Then after your turn it's my turn. It's how it's going to work." He shrugged.

"Maybe I don't want it to work like that?" She told him, stopping. He stopped too.

"I like when you sleep next to me." He said innocently. She gave him a blank look, trying to figure out if he was even telling the truth.

"Shut up you baby." She whacked his shoulder and she continued walking down to the dungeons.

"I'm not a baby." He replied.

"Sure." She said.

"Well at least I got what I wanted." He spoke from behind her.

"You're convincing for some reason." She stopped at the portrait.

"Goblins." The portrait opened and he held it open for her.

He bowed and she smiled, curtsying. She entered and waited for him to come so he could show her his room. He grabbed her hand and led her up some stairs.

She entered and was ready to pass out on his bed when someone shrieked her name.

"Y/n?!" Daphne said. Y/n was suddenly awake.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Pansy asked. Y/n's eyes widened even more.

"I'm not even going to ask." She mumbled and put his covers over her shoulders. He took his shirt off and stayed in his school trousers, going into the bed next to her, and closing his eyes.

She narrowed his eyes at him angrily and turned away.

"Come on, turn back." He whined.

"Go away." She mumbled. He grabbed her shoulder and gently moved it back towards him.

"Don't make me kick you off the bed." She said, whacking him away.

"Fine." He gave up and laid down, his arm draped over her, his face nuzzled into her hair. She sighed. She couldn't find herself sleeping. She couldn't sleep at all for some reason.

Her eyes were open, and she felt thirsty. But how was she supposed to be freed from his arms?

She carefully pried his arms off and it seemed to be a success. She smiled and put Draco's slides on, which were a bit big for her feet but she managed.

She hopped down the stairs quietly and made her way to the kitchens, shivering every so often. It was dark but she could still see and made her way to fill up a glass cup.

She took a sip and sighed with relief. She leaned back on the counter for a rest and decided it was time to get back. She pushed off gently and turned around.

"AHHH!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, throwing her cup filled with water at Draco who was a few metres behind her. He was shirtless and shoeless, wore his long pyjama pants, and covered in water, but he had managed to catch the cup before it shattered.

"Ow." His voice was monotoned.

"You scared me!" She shrieked, going to slap him on the shoulder but he grabbed her wrists.

"You took my shoes!" He joked.

"Well, I didn't bring mine." She smiled. He let go of her wrists and they stood in front of each other.

"You have a wand and you decide to throw a cup with some water in it at me?" He tilted his head to the side. Her heart beat a little faster.

"Maybe you should be quiet before I actually use my wand on you." She grabbed the cup gently from his hands and went to put it in the sink to wash.

He walked after her but stayed a few feet back.

"Yeah? Make me." He smirked.

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