5- Guilt

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The Next Day at Dinner:

"I heard he was too embarrassed to even show." One girl said, laughing quietly.

"I heard that he moved." Another said.

"He didn't. I saw him this morning." Someone replied.

"He's probably jigging." One person guessed.

"I mean, if he was jigging he would get away with it." One boy said, rolling his eyes.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Blaise and Theo. They looked back at her and her friends before they turned away to talk.

They were in the great hall eating their dinner.

"Of course he's jigging classes. He'd get away with it every time." Pansy said, rolling her eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Daphne said loudly over to the two boys who wouldn't stop looking. She narrowed her eyes at them.

"Nothing much." Blaise said bitterly, getting up roughly, followed by Theo who didn't give them a glance as the two boys exited.

Daphne got up angrily and went after them. Y/n and Pansy quickly followed behind.

"Where on earth do you think you're going!" Y/n asked.

"Someone needs to set that boy straight." Daphne muttered, adjusting her sleeves so she could fight.

"Maybe we shouldn't." Pansy said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Daphne stopped and looked at them.

"Why not?"

"I mean, all they did was look. For all we know they could fancy you." Pansy rolled her eyes.

Daphne opened and shut her mouth trying to think of words to say but couldn't form them.

"I feel sick!" She shrieked. Before anyone could say anything else they heard noises from around the corner.

"First of all, we need to start studying for the upcoming exam." Theo had said as they exited the hospital wing.

Blaise took a long sigh. "I can't. I feel sick." He said disappointedly. He had really wanted to get some studying in for the test, but he couldn't. He felt disgusting.

They walked away as Theo slapped his back. "I told you so." He smiled.

"Yeah whatever.." He mumbled as they disappeared.

"See? I knew something was up. Why are they in the infirmary!" Daphne whispered.

"Maybe because there's a thing called soulmates?" Pansy said tiredly.

"Don't remind me." Daphne said, trying to hold back her vomit.

"Oh no. I need to go to the bathroom-" She turned and ran towards the bathroom. Pansy quickly followed her.

"I'll get our bags!" Y/n said to Pansy. She sighed.

It was just after dinner. She was tired and bored. She turned the corner and slowly walked passed the infirmary, looking around to no where in particular. The sun was setting through the windows and something caught her eye in the infirmary, that made her stop dead.

Her eyes widened slightly and she tilted her head slightly to the side.

She walked in slowly. Draco Malfoy sat up on a bed by the window, his head completely turned to look outside the window, the sun on his pale skin.

He had a white bandage tightly wrapped around his head, his hair was messily done, shining and looking soft in the sun.

Dare she say it; he looked beautiful.

He wore a plain white shirt. Her eyes brows furrowed trying to piece it together. He was in the infirmary.. after she had pushed him down the stairs.

She hurt his head. She had made it quietly a few steps behind him when her eyes landed on a bin. It made her want to suddenly vomit. She quickly landed on her knees to the floor and vomited in it. It didn't take long to finish and she took heavy breaths, standing up, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.

She closed her eyes then opened them when she remembered why she was even here. She looked back at Draco and he wasn't sat up straight anymore. Instead, the side of his body rested on his pillow and the wooden headboard, facing towards the window.

"Did.. I do that?" She asked, her voice breaking the crisp silence.

He didn't move at all. She peeked over and his eyes were open, looking ahead. She saw at the back of his head there was a few blood stains there.

"Get out." He tried to say loudly, but he felt weak, drugged. He didn't feel like himself.

She moved to the other side of the bed. It was a small space but her back rested up against the window, blocking his sun. He squinted his eyes.

"I.. are you alright?" She asked guiltily. She felt bad. Really, bad.

He turned the other way, resting the other side of his head on the pillow.

She put her lips firmly together in guilt and awkwardness.

What was she supposed to do?

She went to the other side of the bed and he sighed loudly.

"Get out of my sight." He whispered.

"I didn't mean to." She told him.

"You obviously meant to." His voice hoarse.

"I didn't think you'd get hurt that badly." She moved her lips together to the side.

"You pushed me down the stairs and you didn't think I'd get hurt...?" He asked.

"You push many people down the stairs." She looked away.

"Maybe because they deserve it?" He offered.

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him. He cracked a small smile.

"You did deserve it."

"You really thought I hurt people for no reason?" He asked, now smiling, showing a bit of his teeth.

"Of course I did." She folded her arms.

His smile slowly disappeared and he wore a calm expression. But something about it scared her.

"Well I don't." He told her quietly.

"I'm sorry." Y/n said, controlling herself to not look away from him.

"You had a reason, didn't you?" He asked.

"Yeah but.. I made your head bleed." She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked to the floor. She bit her lip then looked back up at him. "Are you okay?" She asked again.

He looked at her as she grabbed a chair and sat on it in front of him. His eyes tiredly moved to hers.

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