6- I'm Going to Stay

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She grimaced slightly and looked away. "Sorry." She said again.

He didn't answer but he kept looking at her, studying her.

"You can go. I dismiss you." He told her. She snapped her eyes back to him.

"No, I don't think it would be right of me to leave after what I did to you." She said getting up and exiting out the infirmary. She went to her common room and grabbed all the things she may of needed and came back, closing the door behind her.

Draco's back was turned the other way now and he looked up out the window to the moon.

"Are you bored? I brought you books." She offered.

"I thought you left." He said without moving.

"No, I'm staying the night." She said nonchalantly, shrugging.

She got up to the cupboard to get out new bandages for his head. She tapped him on the shoulder. He rolled his eyes and turned around but was now taken back at the sight.

"What are you doing?" He wore a confused look.

"Your head will get infected. It's the least I can do.." She said awkwardly, motioning for him to get up. He prepared himself to lift his head up and he did, feeling pain immediately come to his head. His vision became slightly black and he couldn't see. He held her shoulder for balance until his vision came back and he stood up slowly in front of her.

She looked up helplessly at him.

"What?" He whispered annoyedly.

"You're too tall, I can't reach that high and do a good job."

He took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of the bed. She went to the other side and stood on her knees behind him, slowly unwrapping his bandage.

She removed all the bandages and moved his hair away gently to try and see how the injury looked. His hair had a few streaks of red in it and her fingers were slightly stained in his blood.

"Ow! What are you doing?" He asked, his hand grabbing hers.

"Sorry. I'm sorry. It looks really bad." She moved her hand out of his cold one and he let her continue. She cleaned some of the blood, with of course a few protests from Draco but she finished, and started wrapping the bandage around his head.

"Not too tight. I feel like my heads about to explode." He whispered tiredly.

"I don't want it to leak. I'll try making it less tighter." She told him. She finally finished and pulled out some of his hair that was tucked into the bandages to make it more comfortable for him.

She sighed and sat back, crossing her legs. He couldn't even turn around to her before he started vomiting in the bin. She grimaced.

"I- It's okay, just a bit more." She comforted worriedly, her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

She had pushed him down the stairs and gave him a massive headache and a big gash. Now he was vomiting uncontrollably.

But he still was rude! She didn't know how to go about this.

He finally stopped and wiped his mouth. He moved back on the bed and his back was close to y/n when he turned his body and crossed his legs in front of her. She raised an eyebrow at him. He looked tired and his eyes were unfocused looking at her.

He sat up on his knees and shook his head as he clutched it. He couldn't take the pain. He grabbed his wand and without warning he pointed it at himself, muttering something before he fell out of consciousness, on top of her. She shrieked as he landed on her. She lay down flat on the bed, Draco sleeping on top of her. His body was completely on top of hers, his face in her neck. She could even feel his body move up and down as he breathed slowly.

"Malfoy- Are you okay?" She whispered. "Get off." She ordered. She tried pushing him off but he was clutching her shirt.

Was she really about to spend the rest of her night like this? With Draco on top of her as he slept? She wasn't his pillow. But she couldn't get him off. No one else was in here, and she shut the doors.

I guess she was stuck there.

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