2- Thinking of the Future

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Pansy was ferociously writing on her parchment with angry writing, leaning it on her text book.

Y/n lay down on the soft grass, her hair sprawled all around her, looking at the sky dim into darkness as she ate small pieces of her food.

Daphne sat with her knees folded to the side, absentmindedly rubbing her leg while rocking back and forth.

They had soulmates. That was something you'd only read in books. Soulmates? It was supposed to be a fairytale. So many people wished to have soulmates as it would make their lives easier. They wouldn't stay stuck with the 'what if's'.

What if I chose the wrong person?

What if they're bad for me?

What if it's all a lie?

What if it won't work out?

With soulmates, they wouldn't be worried about these things.

"Well- well, I think, it's a neat idea." Daphne stammered, playing with her skirt.

"I mean, it's been since the beginning of time. We were bound to find out." Y/n told them softly. Still many thoughts on her mind.

They stayed silent expecting Pansy to say her opinion but she didn't. Y/n sat up and Daphne looked at her. They both looked at Pansy with her tongue poking out, writing quickly on her parchment. She finally did a big full-stop, slamming the quill down on the grass, taking a deep breath.

She looked at her friends.

"Oh yeah. I mean, it can't be so bad, right? They're your soulmate after all." She sighed.

"What's that for?" Y/n asked, eyeing her parchment.

"Oh, it's for my parents." Pansy shrugged. Daphne took the paper from her.

"Dear Amelia and Theseus," Daphne read.

"Thats already off to a bad start. Using their first names?" Y/n  chuckled.

"Well- they- They're lenient. They have a nice sense of humour." Pansy stammered.

"How could you not tell me that there was a soulmate secret thing going on since the beginning of time?!" Daphne said in a fake sad voice, very dramatically. Pansy rolled her eyes.

Daphne continued on. "I'm your daughter! I always tell you my secrets. Like the time I got a bad mark on my potions test! I just feel so betrayed. I will forgive you in due time. Sincerely, Pansy Amelia Parkinson, your acquaintance."

"But aren't your parents supposed to know when you get a bad mark? That's not a secret." Y/n scoffed.

"It is!" Pansy huffed.

"You have such a lovely way with words. Go mail that to your parents- I mean, your acquaintances, do tell me what their reaction is." Daphne smiled, clearly amused.

"You know what?" Pansy got up. "I will!" She took her things and ran to the Owlery to give the letter to her parents.

"Crazy that girl is." Y/n shook her head laughing. Daphne laughed with her.

"Are you really okay with all this?" Daphne asked, finished laughing.

"What are we supposed to do? Not the first time something messed up happens in the world." Y/n sighs, blowing some hair out of her face.

The Next Day, After School:

"Woah? There's already couples? I thought McGonagall said it would appear in a few weeks." Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at all the new couples as she and her friends entered.

"Apparently some have different processes. Someone in Slytherin got theirs when they woke up today. It's appearing to be normal." Pansy shrugged as they all sat down at a random table. Y/n sat in front of Pansy and Daphne.

"It's kind of weird." Daphne told them as she put her lunch on her plate.

"I didn't get any sleep last night." Pansy sighed sadly.

"Why not?" Y/n asked.

"She was vomiting all night." Daphne answered for her. Pansy nodded sadly.

"Oh.. are you okay?" Y/n asked, rubbing her arm comfortingly.

"For now. This mark better come and be done with, and it better look good!" Pansy huffed annoyedly.

"It might even be on your face." Y/n shrugged and chuckled at Pansy's worried face.

"My face?!" Pansy shrieked, gaining a few stares. She then calmed down a bit. "It's okay, I don't mind, I'm sure it will look beautiful. Everyone gets to see how beautiful my mark looks!" She smiled and started eating. Daphne and Y/n raised their eyebrow at each other with a smile.

"But I mean, aren't there just so many marks to go around for people? How can everyone's marks be so different?" Daphne asked.

"I mean, our fingerprints are all different. No one has the same." Pansy replied.

"But they still look the same in the human eye." Daphne said. The two girls pondered over it for a moment.

"But I'm sure that when a couple dies, their markings become free for a new couple?" Y/n wondered.

They all thought their different thoughts. You could have the mark as someone that had died thousands of years ago. They could have been anyone. They could have been someone who rejected this soulmate thing, they could have been completely in love with the idea. They could of hated Muggle-Borns, or was a Pureblood. Their life may have been a tragedy, or they had the best life they could have hoped for.

Y/n couldn't help but wonder. History was just so interesting.

"I hope I get paired with someone who values me." Daphne sighed quietly, tracing small, tired and sad patterns on the wooden table.

"Same.. I don't want..- I want to like them. I don't want to be lonely forever." Y/n told her friends quietly.

Theo, Blaise and Draco looked carefully around them. It looked so.. gloomy, and sad, and dull. Everyone wore tired looks on their faces. Draco couldn't sleep as Theo vomited all night, presumably from the new soulmate thing. He was starting to change and Draco could feel it too.

Suddenly they heard a slam on the table behind them. They all turned to the noise. Y/n had gotten up with a big bang and covered her mouth with her wrist, quickly leaving.

Her friends had sad looks on their faces and collected all their things, and her food.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows. Seeing her vomit made him want to vomit too.

Curse that stupid witch. He thought it was just a false alarm but he knew it wasn't and he also got up too, breathing heavily as he made his way out. As he turned the corner of the corridor he collapsed on his knees, not having enough energy to go any longer.

His friends had quickly helped him up and helped him to the bathroom.

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