Kya Goes to the Dentist

Start from the beginning

"Eh, I don't mind. Boats are my thing." Kya replied. Lin smiled, blushing, again.

"This one's mine," Lin said, unlocking the door for Kya, who got in.

"Prettt nice satomobile, Lin." Kya said, running a hand over the velvet seats.

"Thanks." Lin said. She could go into detail about the mechanics, and how she'd picked this specific model for the speed capabilities and low fuel consumption, but she got the sense Kya didn't care.

"So," Lin said instead, "you enjoying the city?"

"Yeah. Its got a great nightlife, makes me feel young again."

"Heh, I figured you would."

"What about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you.. enjoy the night life?" Lin side eyed her, seeing Kya stare at her expectantly.

"I don't get out much, if that's what you're inferring."

"But you do get out?" Lin blushed, thinking about a few nights ago when she had gone out, and the night had been very successful.


"Ha! I knew it. You know, Lin, we should go out together, play wing women sometime. I have a feeling I could pick out you're type."

"Whats my type?" Lin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm, bald, tattoos, beard?"

"Haha. I think you've been gone a little too long, Kya?"

"Why do you say that?" Lin looked her, motioning her head in the direction of the building infront of them.

"A conversation for another time. We're here."

"Leaving me hanging?"

"Get you're tooth pulled, and I'll tell you." Kya smirked, opening the door.

"Are you coming?" She asked. Lin stared at her.


"Arent you coming in?"

"I'll up in an hour."

"Lin, please? I've never had anything like this done before. These new medical methods are great but..  they're scary." Kya looked at her with pleading eyes and Lin caved.

"Alright." Kya cheered as Lin got out of the car, locking it and following the waterbender up the steps.

So much for coming back in an hour.
Despite her thoughts, Lin couldn't find it in herself to mind staying with Kya at all...

"Okay, that's a stair so... oh okay you fell down. Just... here." Lin managed to get Kya in the car. The older girl had gauze in her mouth, and a towel absorbing blood.

"Lin bend this!"

"You're blood?"


"Kya, I'm an earth bender." Kya looked at her sadly, tears coming out.

"I'm am earth bender?" She asked, looking at her hands.

"No- I'm and earth bender your- nevermind. Just lean back and relax." Kya frowned, but did as she was told. Lin looked out at the bay, apparently the breeze from earlier had picked up.
My place it is. I'm not getting on a boat with those waves.

When she successfully got Kya up the elevator without weirdjng out too many residents, Kya fell into Lin's arms in a 'trust fall' as she called it just before flopping onto Lin.

TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEWWhere stories live. Discover now