Luxury cars are not just brands. They really makes you feel rich and the comfort is top notch.

"Do Jeremy likes this car?" He inquires.

"Sir only use this car no more than 3 times and usually he drive it himself. Today is special."

Kei snorts.
"Hmp. If I know, those times he drive for his girlfriends."

The driver chuckles.
"Sir Jeremy is handsome but he rarely go out with woman. He had a childhood sweet heart but she went abroad."

Kei clenched his fist.
"What about her?"

The driver looks weirdly.
But then again,Jeremy strictly orders him to be courteous toward Kei no matter what.

"She is a very beautiful girl. I thought Sir Jeremy will marry her but she went away. Before she left, she confessed her feelings to Sir Jeremy. It was Sir Jeremy's 15th birthday."

"Then?" Kei grabs the back seat tightly.

The driver sadly shakes his head.
"Sir Jeremy is too young. Maybe he is still a child. He said he doesn't like her so she left sad. But he never had a girlfriend and the closes he come to a partner is those female relatives of his friends. I think he is still waiting for his childhood sweet heart."

Kei sits down.
He doesn't want to talk anymore.
He is contemplating things.

His mood is sour.

When Jeremy called Kei that night, he ring his phone 5 times before Kei answered.


"Am I a rebound?"
Kei seriously asks.

Jeremy blinks.
He paused removing his tight collar and sit down on the edge of his bed.
"Wait. Calm down."

"Tell me the truth. What's your deal with your childhood sweetheart?"

Jeremy laughs.

"Is it funny? Disg**ing sh**!"

"Wait. Whoa. Are you crying?"

"Why would I cry?"

Jeremy sighs.
"Did my driver told you an old story? It's nothing okay."

Kei sneers.
"Nothing my ass."

Jeremy wryly smiles.
"She is abroad now. I don't even know what she looks now. She is just someone I grow up with."

"Isn't that admirable feat!"

"What? You are that jealous?"
Jeremy chuckles.

Kei didn't response so Jeremy wipes his smile and become serious.

"I never like her. Mom wants me to escort her because she is a daughter of her good friend. And grow up with her is actually an exaggeration. I only meet her when there is a family and close friend gatherings. I swear she is a nobody."

Kei sat down and end the call.

Jeremy stares dumbfounded at his phone.
A smile he wanted to suppress reappear.
"He is so cute like this."


"What?" Aurora is wearing a large size washed violet t shirt and sky blue pajama pants.
Wearing a nerdy glasses and her hair is tied up while tapping in her laptop.

She glares at the door.
"Go away Faye!"

"It's Kei."

"Kei? Kei Wilderburg?" Aurora weirdly asks.

"Who else?"
Kei rolls his eyes and open the door.
"Do you know Jeremy's childhood sweetheart?"

Aurora eyes dilated.
"That f***ing b***h? I don't know her. She disgust me."

Kei nods.
"I came to the right person." He sat on Aurora's bed.

Aurora typed on her laptop.

"I hate to say this but she is still alive. It seems hell can't accomodate her foul smell."
Aurora said.

"You hate her that much?"

"I hate her entire being. She is so plastic! She pretends in front of the boys that she is prim and proper yuck! But she is snobbish and a real fu***g b***h! Just thinking about it makes me want to rip the hell out her face!"
Aurora said angrily.

"What did she do to you?"

Aurora type slowed down.
Her tone deepen.
"What else? That b***h says Faye is a copy cut and if she doesn't exist I will be very perfect. The fuck! I slap her in the face and what did I get? Faye....That idiot believes the bitch over me."
Aurora wipes her eyes.
"Stop asking me!"

Kei sneers.
"Stop blabbing!"


My mother saw me crying while writing the last part and laugh at me.
Told me not to write if Im going to cry.
So embarrasing!!!!!!

Hopia like it.

FOUL MOUTHED HALF BROTHER (Yaoi)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now