short one liners-?

135 15 75


"you have really nice eyes."

"you know how to charm a guy groffsauce."


and so, just for that millisecond, lin pushed his nose further into jons shoulderblade, taking in his scent.


"lin," jonathan grunted, "i have to pee." he patted him on the side, hoping for a response.



jonathan ran up to lin, picked him up, spinned him in his arms, and then set him down with lins head resting against his chest. before lin could ask him what's got him in such a good mood, he whispers, "i just realized how in love with you i am, and it feels fantastic."


"are you wearing my shirt?"

"yeah," lin took a sip of his coffee, "why?"

"..." he hid his head in his hands, "you look great in it."


"i dont deserve you." lin had decided one day.

jonathan looked up from his phone, "but you do? love, you deserve every good thing coming your way because thats who you are. pure, loving, bright. mine. no more of that crap, because we both love each other, and thats all that matters."

lin quickly changed his mind.


the moon and the sun were always in synch.
just as he would peer over his shoulder, light beaming from his smile
the moon would turn in awe, giving him his time to shine.
later at night, when the two were alone
the sun, he would curl into a ball, letting the moon envelop him with his cold affections.
and just like that, they continued on everyday, hand in hand.


"im sorry groffsauce-"

"dont. dont even try," he turned away, and whispered, "sorry doesnt fix everything."


"has it ever occured to you," jon started, tears forming in his eyes, "that youre hurting me too?"


"i hate you. im sorry it took me so long to realize."

lin froze. "and i love you. im sorry you cant understand the difference."


"i cant do this anymore," jonathan whispered against lins shoulder, "not with you, lin."

"yet here you are." lin answered bitterly.


"i tried to move on," jon explained, "but no one is like you."


"dont leave me," lin cried, "please..."



"youre so good for me." jonathan said, wrapping his arms around lin.


"youre mine," jonathan said, picking on a piece of lint from lins shirt, "understand?"

"yours." lin breathed out, nodding.


"what the fuck are you doing-" chris asked, watching lin stare to the point where he was crying.

"im sure i can get some type of sexual gratification just from staring if i try hard enough."

"man," anthony interjected, "you need to go outside and touch grass."

"that doesnt work, ive tried." lin answered with a solemn expression.


"for the love of fuck, lin-"

"yup thats me... i love to fuck."

they just stared at each other.


"he may seem like cupcakes and rainbows, but behind closed doors i bet hes gags and cuffs."

"jonathan, for the last time, please stop projecting your sexual fantasies on me." lea responded, face somber.

he blushed, fumbling upon his words, and playing with his fingers.



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