lin is horny and in love with jgroff

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headcanon that lin loves to leave shoulder kisses on jgroffff 

Chris was getting his usual coffee, 8:15 AM, sharp. It was quiet without most of the cast, and he enjoyed the shared silence with Jonathan. That was, of course, when Lin came in.

“Groffsauce! Hey!” He skipped into the room, arms open. Chris peered over his shoulder, not very surprised to see Jon’s knowing smile. Groff practically jumped out of his seat to meet Lin, returning the hug. He was slightly bent down to meet Lin’s height. 

“Morning.” He murmured against Jonathan’s neck, and kissed his shoulder. 


(based on that one photo when jgroff is on his phone, backstage) 

Lin loved to watch Jonathan. Did that sound weird. He internally groaned, of course it sounded weird (he didn’t regret a second of it though).

He ran up behind Jonathan, who was on his phone, and left a small kiss on his right shoulder. He liked the fact that Jonathan was bigger than him, both in height and muscle. It was comforting. 

Snaking his hands around Jonathan’s waist, he casually said, “I want attention.”

Groff froze, “Uh, how?” He would never admit it, but too many dirty thoughts raced through his head. 

“Can we play Mario Kart?” 

Was Jonathan disappointed? Yes, but not surprised. “Of course. We both know who’s gonna win though.” Lin. Lin always won. 


Lin entered the room, tired. God, he was always tired, but Jonathan… he always kept him up at night. He woke up, yeah, just a little, at the sight of his angel (another headcanon that lin believes jon was an angel sent to save him). 

Still unbelievably exhausted, Lin plopped down right on Groff’s lap, making himself comfortable. He threw his head back, resting his head on Jonathan’s shoulder. Was that a turn on of his now? Shoulders… yeah, he decided against his better judgment, and filed that away for later… (cough cough). 

“Well, good morning to you too.” Jonathan chuckled, and tightly wrapped his arms around Lin’s stomach. 

“Shut up.” Lin grumbled. He didn’t mean to, really, but he just wanted to soak in the feeling of Jonathan. Jonathan Groff. He liked to call him his, but… 

“Wow, okay, someone’s grumpy.” Groff faked mock offense. ‘

“Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?” 

Jonathan thought about it. What was he going to do about it? Lin was misbehaving, and that set Jonathan off… 

“This.” He slightly opened his mouth, and bit down. If Lin thought he liked kissing shoulder, being bit… on the shoulder… by Jonathan Groff…

He moaned. Oh God, he moaned. He didn’t mean to, he really didn’t mean to do a lot of things, but he did it, and everything was spinning, and things were going too fast for him. 

“Did you just… moan?” Jonathan asked, laughing. He was laughing, and he laughed so beautifully, but why was he laughing? 

“Up.” Jonathan gently tapped his ass, he touched his ass, like… wow, he couldn’t wait to brag, and before he knew it, again, without thinking, he was up, because how could you not listen to Jonathan? 

Why did everything go by so fast, because, again, before he knew it, Jonathan was gone, away from reach, getting a cup of coffee, and Lin was actually turned on and he wanted to cry (were they happy or sad tears? C’mon Lin, think, think for Chris Jackson’s sake).

“Groffsauce…?” Lin sounded like a child, he honestly sounded pathetic, but he didn’t regret it, he never regretted it, and he was so incredibly confused. Where was Jonathan?

There he was, all giggles, and height, but he was also really sexy, were men usually this sexy? Lin never paid attention to other men, not like this. No one was like Jonathan.

Where was he again? Right, yeah, Jonathan was there, in front of him, with an arm extended and he was really tall, especially when you were sitting, and he looked really nice. 

“You,” Jonathan took his hand, since Lin really was out of it, “Need some sleep. Let’s go.”

In conclusion:

Jonathan should be more demanding. 

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