49. Twoset Accountants

Start from the beginning

"Um... yeah, sure, of course. I'll just grab another mug from here for myself..."

"So.. the Bert mug is yours? Whose mug is the Ernie?"

"Oh, that's Eddy's mug, you know, the other guy that you met when we were introduced to you."

"Oh... he's kinda sweet, too isn't he."

Brett shrugged.

"Um.. I suppose he's alright. Here you go. Just pop it into the dishwasher when you finish ? Thanks. See ya Brettany."

"Thank you Brett, you're the best...!"

Brett had two mugs of coffee with him but hurried out of the tea room as quickly as possible.

"Here's your coffee Eddy."

"Oh, thanks Brett. What's with the pink mug ?  Where's your Bert?"

"...Eddy, I think that new girl Brettany is a bit strange."

"What? Why would you say that?"

Brett looked around to make sure no one else was listening. He then whispered to Eddy,

"Brettany took my Bert mug."

"What ?"

"She said she wanted a coffee and insisted on drinking it from my mug so I let her use it for today."

"How strange."

"I'm telling you, she's weird... she stood really close to me while I was making the coffees."

Eddy almost spat out his coffee and went into a coughing fit.

"Stop that Brett, are you trying to drown me on dry land?!"

"I'm telling you, she is weird..!!"

"Brett, you're weird sometimes, too. You're probably overthinking it."

It was 3 in the afternoon and Eddy's turn to go and make their coffees.

Brett was busy going through a spreadsheet so Eddy just grabbed the pink mug from Brett's desk without saying anything and headed off to the office tea room.

As Brett was before, Eddy was hunched over the kitchen benchtop when he felt something on his mid to lower back.

"Hi Eddy..."

Eddy turned around.

Oh my god

It was Brettany. She was standing very close to Eddy, holding Brett's Ernie mug in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other.


"How's it going? What a cute Ernie mug."

"Um.. thanks."

"Are you making your afternoon coffee?"


Eddy's answers came out very robotically.

"Would you make one for me too?"

"I'm just making instant coffee, here, help yourself, you can go first."

Eddy tried to hand Brettany the teaspoon he had in his hand as he pointed at the large can of instant coffee on the benchtop.

"Oh.. um.. would you mind making it for me..? I.. you know, these nails make it difficult to open the can and stuff."

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