How to (Not) Reveal your Secret Identity

Start from the beginning

"Tripping twice Fenturd? So lame."

Danny chuckled awkwardly. What the heck did he bump into? There was nothing there! An invisible ghost? But his ghost sense didn't go off, and there was a weird zappy feeling.

"You okay dude?" Tucker ran up to him and helped him stand up.

"Yeah... What was that?" He huffed.

"Come on, we got to get you 'checked'." Tucker pulled his arm, and hurried towards the entrance only to be jerked backwards as Danny, very visibily, crashed into thin air in front of everybody. ZAP!


Everyone stopped laughing.

It was obvious that something was very, very wrong. Everyone watched as (a smoking) Fenton, very visibly, placed his hands on the offending spot, as it there was something very solid about it. Dash would've said something about miming, but everyone gawked as Danny tried his hardest to push the thing.

"Fenton... can't get in?" Soon everyone was filing up and walked right past the spot with no problem, leaving everyone, including Danny in a state of shock.

There was definitely something fishy
going on here. Danng position himself so that no one could see what he was going to do. His eyes lit up in toxic green as he outstretches an arm in front of him. And he realized what was going on. At the same time that alarms and red lights blared.

"Aw crap!"

It was an invisible ghost shield.

And in JACK FENTON'S voice an announcement screamed, "GHOST ALARM! GHOST ALARM! GHOST ALARM!" repeatedly.

"Why can't today be a normal Monday?!" He groaned.

"Cuz today is Tuesday Danny!"

"Not helping Tucker!"

He took a quick sweep of everyone around him. The attention was divided between him and the slowly reddening sky. It took a few moments for all of them to realize that the red 'sky' was actually a dome around Casper High. A ghost shield. One that had Vlad written all over it.

Like literally.

There was a small plaque right there beside the entrance of the school that has 'SHIELD DONATED BY VLADIMIR MASTERS'. How again did he not notice that before?

"Danny, your eyes are glowing." Sam warned him.

"What?" He cupped his face and blinked. He feels his core pulsing. He cracks an eye.

"It's still glowing, Danny."

He hissed. He hissed. "I know!" He groans as he throws his hands up in frustration. "I can't change it!" He looks at them in total panic. "My parents are going to be here any second! What do I do?! They'll think I'm overshadowed or something!"

If he bolted for it right now many people would notice. How many would care? Ehhhhhhhh... maybe not so much. It would be suspicious though. Was it worth it though?

The doors of Casper High flew open as students shrieked and pushed their way out and into open. Why they did that when they were perfectly safe inside a ghost shield where ghosts cannot get in? Danny had no idea.

As if on cue, the Fenton RV's tires shriek as if they were contesting the previous noises made by the students.

Jack Fenton flops out of the car and jogs fullspeed towards the shield wielding a Fenton Bazooka. Maddie Fenton slides across the rough asphalt (how?! How?! Just- how?!) with a big ectogun.

She shouts "FREEZE!" at the same time as Jack screams "WHERE IS THE GHOST?! WHERE IS THE GHOST?!" as he mimics a chicken bobbing his head in every direction.


Danny swore he heard crickets.

Then there was faint humming. Like some sort of frequency echoing deeply.

It was his core.

Oh ghost, he needed to get out of there as soon as possible. His powers were going haywire.

Jack and Maddie immediately began snooping around, but to no avail.

Danny thought he'd gotten away when Jack sighed deeply.

But then his mom whips out a scanner and what do you know?
There was a big, bright green dot right where he was standing. Danny immediately turned around from his parents and closed his eyes.

"I FOUND IT! JACK!" Maddie ran towards him.

Jack pushed him to the side and stared at... nothing. His eyebrows wrinkle in confusion as he looked around. His eyes widened with understanding when he saw Danny.

"Oh! It's just Danny-boy again!" He patted his back. Maddie sighs, disappointed that they missed another ghost.

"We uh... the ghost went that way?" Tucker spoke 'helpfully'. Maddie and Jack nodded.

"Oh well," Jack said with his booming voice, "Let's go look around Maddie!"

He hurls his bazooka over his shoulder. Danny sighed in relief. Another day with his secret safe-

The end of the bazooka knocks the back of his head and sends him crashing into the ghost shield.


Spoke too soon.

Everyone stands in shock as a bright light engulfs Danny, starting from his waist, splitting and gravitating towards opposite ends, transforming him into...


He was sizzling. He was glowing, he was pulsing, and he was smoking with sound effects. He was sizzling after that shock. He watched as people debated on whether or not open or close their mouths.

"Aww crud. I knew I should've just bolted."

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Words: 1300

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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