48. Twoset Grapefruit Boys III

Start from the beginning

"Hi Mr Chen, I'm Brad, nice to meet you."

Eddy shook hands with Brad and smiled.

"Hi Brad, likewise, nice to meet you. Please call me Eddy."

"Thank you, Eddy."

Brad then nervously turned to Brett.

"Hello Mr Yang, I'm Brad"

Brett looked at Brad with his dead-pan expression, then without making any acknowledgement of Brad whatsoever, he turned around and walked away.

Eddy, exasperated, called out.


Brett disappeared from the living room and went into the study. He then shouted.

"Release the hounds !!"

As he slammed the door.

Brad and Claire were in shock and Eddy was mortified.

"Oh my god, look Brad I'm so sorry my partner is being such an ass. Please make yourself at home. Claire, you can get your guest a drink? I've got all the stuff ready in the kitchen. I'm gonna go sort out your stupid dad."

Eddy was growling towards the end of his sentence. He was pretty pissed at Brett for acting so childishly and disrespectfully towards a guest.

Eddy didn't even knock on the study door.


"Go away, Eddy."

Eddy opened the door and entered the room. Brett was sitting on the sofa with his arms crossed.

"I said go away."

"You are being ridiculous. I cannot believe you are acting like this. Do you have any idea how rude your behaviour is?"

"I don't care."

"Oh my f*cking god have you thought of how much you are hurting your daughter?!"

Brett pouted.

"Don't try to pull that stunt on me, Brett, this isn't about us, it's about our daughter and it won't work."

Brett continued to pout.

"Brett Yang, if you don't stop this bullsh*t, I swear, I will carry you out of this room like a princess and plop you in between Brad and Claire!!!"

"No, you won't"

"Oh, now you wanna try me ??"

Eddy lunged towards Brett and shoved his arms under Brett's legs and back and was just about to scoop him up from the sofa.


Brett wailed as he wrapped his arms around Eddy's neck.

"Brett, I thought we talked about this."

"I know. I'm being so stupid... I'm sorry."

"...You're apologising to the wrong person. C'mon now are you gonna walk out of here like a big boy or do I seriously have to carry you out."

"You gotta kiss me first..So I can be brave."

Eddy rolled his eyes, sighed, then obliged.

When Brett and Eddy returned to the living room, Claire was red as a beetroot and Brad was trying to suppress a cringe.

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