"Elite Dance? That women from the dance show?"

"Yes" I try to keep my cool "Brooke they've offered me a place"

Her reaction was a lot like mine, stunned, totally and utterly stunned. I have no clue what to say until she pounces at me wrapping her arms around me "That's amazing" she cheers in my ear. A wave of relief washes over me.

"I'm so glad you think that"

She pulls away and looks down at me "Of course I do, you're my best friend Skye. I'm always going to be happy for you"

"When do you go?" she moves off of me allowing me to straighten my nearly broken spine.

I shrug "I don't know exactly. If I accept I can either graduate early or I can do my senior year there"

"What do you mean IF? You so have to go. But I wish you'll stay a little longer at school" seeing her happy for me make my heart warm and my spirit high

"I'll see nearer the time, I'm going to ring Allison since I'm almost certain she's the one who got me this" "I was so nervous you'd freak out"

She gasps "Me, freak out? Never!" this is coming from the girl who freaks out about anything non work relates, you put her behind a computer nothing gets in her way, put her in an intense social situation she panics.

"There's more news" now she looks freaked out "Baxter got into medical school" her brain looks like it's on the verge of over drive.

"That is amazing. My friends are so talented and smart" she beams

"About these kisses" she continues, I really thought I'd dodge the whole subject seamlessly. I knock my head back in mental pain.

"Is this like a serious thing. Are you guys?" she laces her hands together, I cringe at her analogy. She's such a child

"No" she raises her brows like I'm not telling the truth "I don't know" I huff "He said I'm not ready and he's right. It's a big risk and I'm not prepared for the consequences of it going wrong"

"But what if it goes right?" she asks sincerely putting her hand delicately on my forearm that's rested on the back of the sofa.

I rub the back of my head raking through my thoughts "We have so much time and we've both got these new opportunities"

She nods "Well at least you tested the waters since Grayson"

"Brooke!" "Baxter is not a rebound" she holds her hands in surrender "I thought you were routing for Grayson anyway"

She tut "He was out of the ring as soon as left with next to none explanation"

With Brooke of my checklist I only have the rest of my family to tell. Before that I need to be certain of everything, but I'm already pretty convinced.


I've become concerning good at helping behind the bar. It started when I was bored and then the club had a wild night which even for Baxter was hard to control. By nature I helped and turns out I've got a flare for it. Bax even went as far as teaching me tricks and flicks, he should be worried I'll take his trade.

It also gives me the chance of keeping an eye on Marco, Lorenzo may be put away but Arthur has been hanging low. Brooke's been trying to track his IP address for the last week but it seems as if his tech knowledge has sky rocketed and he's near on untraceable.

"100 in tips" I smirk counting my extra cash. Baxter comes over throwing a bar towel over his shoulder "150" he sings in my ear. I groan, he's been doing this way longer.

"Second rush coming, loser pays for food" I challenge shouting over the music. He salutes picks up a tequila bottle.

The longer I spend with Baxter the hurts slips away. I feel as if nothing has ever happened, no betrayal or boyfriend problems but then there's a small flash of the past that brings it all back. Tonight being a dark haired scruffy looking man in the corner, I've served about 10 rounds and he's still staring at me. His stare is intense, not infatuated or flirtatious just intense. However, I am suspicious of pretty much everyone including this stranger.

I flip the tequila bottle behind my back and catch it with the opposite hand. I can hear Baxter laugh from the other end of the bar, enjoying my show. I finish with my personal favourite move, the stall.

"Drink up boys" I shout as I finish the line of shots. Tequila shots are what we get through the most, quick and easy way to get wasted.

They comply with cheers, I smile at their party energy but when I look to the side all I see is an empty chair. The man has disappeared, I'll add it to the list of weird things that goes down in this place.

The night carries onto to be one of the best. It's not awkward between Baxter and I and we're having a little competition, this is just what I needed. To his despair, I won. The last few crowds were mainly guys, they tend to tip bigger with girls.

"Well, tonight was busy" I smirk sitting on the bar. It's cleared out and the only ones who remain are staff.

"It's a lot easier having help" I look back to see him cleaning up. I watch the DJ pack up and the lights slowly shutting down.

"Did you see that guy in the corner? He wouldn't stop gawking over here"

He stops cleaning "Now you mention it, that guys only been coming in since you starting behind here" I sigh and turn back to face the dance floor, I feel like I keep getting puzzle pieces but I don't know what the puzzle looks like. 

The X in SkyeWhere stories live. Discover now