29. No I in threesome

Start from the beginning

So he needs to leave this room, this big house that feels like a prison, forget about William's lips, forget about messages in his phone that he wants to reply to but knows he shouldn't.

"I'm becoming depressed here Jo, I... I feel much better physically, I am not throwing up anymore. I'm eating. But I have to get out. Please."

"But to a party? And to a Matty's birthday party? Those can be vile." Jorja hesitates, staring at Lennon, wondering what the hell she is supposed to do. This would either be the best or worst decision she'd made. She needs to trust him, and be there for him.

"We'll only go for an hour. I won't leave your side. I want to meet up with Brian, he will be there."

"Brian Reeves?" She is giving him a small, questioning smile.

Brian Reeves is an openly gay TV host and presenter that has been flirting with Lennon on more than one occasion in the past, sometimes even on air during their interviews but Lennon obviously didn't want anything to do with any man or woman after William, so he never responded to any of Brian's advances.

"Yeah, he's been calling me, he was worried when he heard the news and we started talking in the last few days, I kind of... I want to see him. I want to start something new. Forget about William once and for all. Like you said, some things are just not meant to be and I need to let it go."

"Oh babe...wait, so what did he say to you when he came to the hospital? I'm sorry but I'm still really angry when I think about how he led you on and made you this weak."

"He... He was nice, trying to offer me help and rehab center but it fucking pissed me off because he had no right to do that so... I kissed him."

"You what?" Jorja raises a brow.

"Yeah, I punched him first and then I kissed him."

"Oh my god?! Len, what the ... " She starts to laugh.

"I didn't hit him hard! I mean, I think. I hope it's not, I feel bad about it, but he left me fuming, Jorja! And then I just.. I don't know what got into me, I just..."

"Decided to kiss it better?"

"Um... Anyway. I just want to forget about it. I need a distraction. We both know he will be here, in my life, somehow, he's with the label, and he's friends with Liam, and one way or another it's inevitable that the two of us meet. He's trying to be friends, he sends me messages asking if I'm ok. And fuck, Jo, I want to, like, be able to answer them and just not let it bother me, not let it make me angry or sad. So, yeah... I want to meet with Brian, or just meet people, talk to them... or fuck them."


"You know what I mean. Just move on with my life. Without drugs this time. I promise."

"I get it. I do. I'm just worried that it's too soon because I already feel guilty for not noticing before."

"But it's not your fault. Don't ever think that. And you will be with me all the time so you can go all mother-hen on me. I want to show up and let the world know I'm doing ok, I don't want fans to be worried about our tour or something. I need people to see me being my normal self. I need this."

"We'll only go for an hour." Her voice is firm.

"An hour. Fine."

"And I'm calling Nate and Sam to come with us."

"Yeah, yeah, perfect."

"And no alcohol."

"Yes, mum." Lennon's eyes are a mix of relief and gratefulness as he pulls Jorja by her wrist and drags her to his walk in wardrobe so they can get dressed for the party.

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