"Yeah, I'm sure he wouldn't mind, he is awake, Sam is inside with him, Nate went to get him some change of clothes."

He gives a nod to two security guys in front of the door and knocks and that knock is one of the hardest things he has to do in his life. When he steps through the door, William is holding his breath, he really didn't think this through. Glancing in the direction of the bed within the room first he sees Sam, sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard. And then he finds Lennon resting, eyes closed, his pale face on Sam's lap. He is gently brushing Lennon's messy bed hair with his left hand and holding a book in his right hand.

William's chest tightens.

Did something change between two friends?

Few moments pass in silence and only then Lennon's tired eyes open and finally rest on William, widening considerably. They don't move from their position and William feels awkward just standing there, like he doesn't belong, like he's interrupting something intimate between two of them. He puts hands in his pockets and tries to look everywhere but at Sam's hand in Lennon's hair.

"Hello." is all he manages to say.

Sam looks at him with an unreadable expression on his face, then looks down on Lennon then at his book. He sighs, placing his book on the bedside table and then he slowly leans in to whisper something in Lennon's ear that William can't hear. He hates how Sam's lips brush Lennon's earlobe while he whispers but tries to ignore it. Lennon nods at whatever Sam asked him and he kisses Lennon's temple. William looks away after this, it's too much.

"I'll be just outside if you need me," the blond says and gets up from the bed. William moves carefully so Sam can leave through the door, and Lennon props himself against the headboard with the pillow behind his head staring at William for a long time.

"How are you feeling, Lennon? I came as soon as I heard." William finally manages to ask.

Finally he can see him properly. He is a mess but still a masterpiece. With dark circles under his tired eyes, a thin layer of stubble across his jaw he still is the most beautiful young man he has ever seen. How lucky he is just to be in his presence?

"Sorry about the cancelled concert. It must have been a big loss. I will be ready for Wednesday's show, don't worry." His voice lack any trace of emotion.

"What? No, no. Lennon, I don't care about the concert, it's... That is already being taken care of, we'll move the dates for the end of the year. You need to recover."

"I'm fine." He isn't looking at William when he says it.

"No, you're not! Lennon, what happened? How did you... is it true? That you ...

"Overdosed? Yep. Now fuck off. I don't need your sympathy. " And there it is, his fury.

William opens his mouth to respond when Lennon cuts him off before he can say anything. "You see, I really don't know what is the problem, it's certainly not your problem. Just another pathetic rock star that ended up on drugs, nobody cares."

"Don't be like that. What are you even saying? So many people care about you, Lennon. You have to realise this. You're not just some random rockstar junkie. You're smart. You're special. You... " Desperation finds him. Lennon turns towards him now and the viciousness that his eyes contain make William's blood run cold. He gets up from the bed and walks until he is standing in front of William.

"Is that your professional opinion of your client or...?"  His jaw clenches as he studies William's face.

"Lennon, you can believe whatever you want but I do want to help you. If you have a drug problem, or whatever else, you can come to me. I... I know you hate me, and we have some fucked up history but... this ... seeing you here in this bed, you ... You lost weight a bit and I didn't even notice when we were in the tattoo parlour. Why didn't I notice?" Somehow he manages to say all this, mind wandering and going back to past few days trying to remember if there were any signs that he missed. Lennon's eyes capture his, making him paralysed.

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