23. Boys don't cry

Start from the beginning

" ... and we will change your record label. What you guys did in the last months with this album was incredible and we want to make it even bigger with the third album. But the contract we have with your label is not allowing you guys more freedom, they have been so hard to work with. You all remember how much we fought for certain songs and they just wouldn't allow it, because apparently it didn't fit your image."

"That's right Rick, and also the promo was shit." Nate adds drinking his beer and the rest just nodded.

"It was worth it in the end, your hard work with that last album and the fan base you have... I mean look at your number one singles and sales are going through the roof, you guys are the new thing that everybody's been talking about. But now it's time for the third album and it has to be bigger. And better."

"Yeah but you can't just tell us make the third album bigger and better. It doesn't work like that. It's gonna happen or it won't," Lennon says, not understanding how the record label has anything to do with how good they are.

"Obviously Lennon. That's not what I'm saying. I believe in you and I know that you can make more amazing music. And when you do, I want a label who will support you and your vision, not the vision of the label. And also we want the best, the label that can provide you with the best producers."

"Yeah Rick, we agree completely, "  Jorja nods. Lennon does like what Rick is saying because more freedom for his music is what he wants as an artist. He trusts Rick and James, they've been good in managing the band since their first record deal.

"Thanks for doing what's in our best interest mate, " Nate adds. " We're already jamming and writing some new stuff."

"Amazing. I'm so proud of you guys. So James already scheduled a meeting with Peter Hamilton-Smith, from Hamilton Records on Monday, although we'll meet with his nephew William and his team and there will probably be few producers that will be happy to talk to you about where you want your sound to go, and ..." Lennon's hand grips the edge of the table and his knuckles are white.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Everybody just stares at Lennon.

"I'm ... I just said you will have a meeting with the new record label on Mon..."

"What record label?"

"Lennon, hon, please, let's... " Joja starts talking quietly and puts her hand over Lennon's wanting to calm him down, but Lennon feels rage all over his body at the mention of that name, of the record label name, so he pushes Jorja's hand away and looks angrily at Rick across from him.

"It's Hamilton Records," Rick says confused. "Is there a problem Lennon?"

"Yes. I'm not doing it."

"What do you mean you're not doing it? We all just agreed that we will change the label, you know it's..."

"I said no. Find another label, Rick."

"Another label?!" Rick laughs. "You think this is a joke? This is a label for you! They are the best in business at the moment, the contract they are offering is everything you guys need."

"Don't worry Rick, we'll talk to Lennon about it..." Nate says eyeing Lennon. "He's just being a little bit grumpy this morning...or this year." the last part Nate says to himself almost whispering but Lennon hears him and points a finger at him.

"Nate, I love you but I swear I won't hesitate to punch you in that pretty little nose of yours, you understand me? I won't publish my songs under that name!"

"Your songs? Last time I checked you were in a band, Lennon, and they are our songs, so before you say anything, think about what consequences will that have for all of us."

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