5. Gold on the ceiling

Start from the beginning

"I heard about it before. Looks amazing. Although I feel like I should be wearing a suit not this." William jokes while comfortable and jazzy lounge music plays in the background.

"I wouldn't worry if I were you. You definitely look like you belong. I told you, you look pretty posh - he lets his eyes rest on William for a long moment before finally dragging his gaze away, "Bet you would look rich wearing a black bin bag. And yeah, this place is pricey but please, don't worry about the money. " Even though they are not super rich and famous Lennon definitely can live comfortably after this tour for a year at least, he thinks. Growing up poor and remembering all the problems that lack of money caused his family he is definitely not a typical rock star that will splash all the cash. He only looks like one.

"Money is not a problem. " William coughs as if he's embarrassed to talk about money. Lennon thinks he might actually not have much, but he'll never judge a person for how much money they have in their bank account, but he won't push it, he lets him change the subject. "Anyway, how's your headache?"

"Not bad. Will be better after all this food" they order more than enough for two of them and drink their English breakfast teas from steaming mugs. William smiles significantly and the waiter brings them their orders.

"You know... I really am so ashamed that you had to see me like that yesterday but also I am a little bit glad it happened as well, because now we get to spend more time together before I go back to London. You're fun to be around, William."

Did he say too much? Why did he say this at all? There's no reason to say stuff like this to an almost complete stranger, it sounds weird and desperate. Lennon was never good at hiding his feelings but he was good at not saying what he really meant to unimportant people.

With William though it's different. He makes him say things without thinking through, staring at him with those intense blue eyes like those bright lights in the interrogation room that detectives point at you if they want you to confess. Lennon thinks William is uncomfortable because he doesn't respond and the statement definitely catches him off guard. So he coughs and changes the subject.

They sit and sip their tea beneath this 24- karat gold leaf ceiling.

William's phone is ringing almost constantly during the brunch and even though he is successfully ignoring it most of the time because Lennon gets all his attention he has to apologise and reply to few messages and few phone calls.

"Is it because you didn't go to work?" Lennon asks him guilt all over his face.

"Yeah but it's fine. We're currently doing rehearsals for our musical, we are not yet to perform in front of an audience until next month. I've been working so hard, rehearsals seven or eight times a week... I have this strict daily schedule that revolves around the show. It's exhausting so it's logical I got sick with the flu, right?" William winks after saying this and Lennon nods at that and smiles. Unusual warmth is flooding his insides - William lied in order to spend time with him.

"So you're assistant director, if I understood right? That's pretty impressive."

"I'm actually associate director, which makes me a bit more important than assistant." William admits. "I'm on all creative meetings, I'm in charge of maintaining the quality for production, from giving notes to cast members to casting replacements to running rehearsals."

"Wow, I would love to see your show. It's only fair, you saw my band yesterday."

"Well we're still not as big of a production as some others, you might find it boring. It's a smaller theatre with not so popular plays" William laughs and eats the food in front of them, "But I'm having so much fun. It's my dream. So I don't mind not doing Hamilton or Chicago at the moment, you know, it's about enjoying the ride."

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