"Holy Shit.." Diego and Sebastian got out with Mateo following after. I took notice of his flushed state and chuckled to myself quietly, kind of amazed with the way I had made him so dazed.

He makes it too easy.

I walked up the steps and pressed the doorbell since I don't think they would leave the door unlocked for a reason. I heard shouting from inside before a sound like a stampede of elephants got louder before swinging the door open and an italian man opened the door, a smile slowly appearing on his face.

He bent down and put one hand behind his back, reaching out for my hand. I gave it to him and he kissed the top of it before looking up at me.

"Um, hey..I'm Maliyah?" I tried to say it confidently but it only came out as a question making him laugh.

"Nice to meet you Maliyah." He grinned and I could feel my cheeks heat up before he was interrupted by Mateo who cleared his throat behind me. The man cleared his before pushing the door open allowing me to go in first but Diego ran in pushing me to the side, already plopping himself on the chair in the living room.

I followed him in and I could say that the inside was just as beautiful as the outside. The floor was a white marble colour that seemed to shine once the chandeliers glistened against it, almost making it so you could see yourself through it. The living room and kitchen were combined but it was a giant space for both. There was a mounted television on the wall with four couches surrounding it and the kitchen had an open countertop and the fridge looked absolutely massive.

"Is it them?" A lady-like voice called from upstairs and when she came downstairs I couldn't help but stare at her. She had red hair and her face was splattered with freckles, and her eyes were an icy blue colour that could melt you away if you happened to just stare at her in the wrong way.

"Okay, forget about having a threesome," Diego walked over to the girl who looked at him with a confused look and he bent down kissing her hand.

I turned away from the sight and faced the guy who was already staring at me. "Do you know what we're meant to do now?" He nods and gestures for us to go upstairs Valentina drags Diego by the ear following the guy upstairs.

He leads us into an office with another person who has his head down on a computer and he reminds me of Sebastian but the hotter kind. He looked up at us once we entered and closed his computer grinning at us. I could've sworn my pants are dripping wet by now.

"God damn." Sebastian whispered and we looked at him making him blush and turn away.

"Welcome, we've been expecting you." The computer man spoke up and now the two others were standing beside him.

"So now that you all are here we can just run you through what's going to happen during your stay and if you have any questions, just ask." The red head spoke up and we nodded.

"This is Luca our tech man," The redhead pointed towards the waving guy we had met in here, "Lorenzo, he manages security," He sent a wink my way and I blushed feeling Mateo's hard stare into my skull, "And I'm Sienna, I just mange the dealing and shit here." We nod and she continues,

"So, I'm sure Giovanni had already explained the situation to you guys so now there are a couple of things we have to do." The redhead looked at the computer guy and he nodded, tapping his watch and a digital screen popped up.

I looked wide eyed at the thing since I thought this shit only existed in movies but it was actually real! It showed dates and notes, some blueprints of houses and all that type of shit.

"No way! You have the D.S four-one-nine thousand?!" Sebastian shouts out and Luca laughs nodding and I swear I heard Sebastian giggle.

"As you can see here," He points to the money at the top left of the screen where it showed all the transactions of money that had been processed throughout the month, "More money had been going out toward a bank account that wasn't registered on any of our accounts and when I had tried hacking into it, there was nothing there, almost like they covered their traps up."

"That wasn't all," Sienna spoke up, moving forward to the screen. She zoomed into a picture where it showed some men shot down on the floor and a factory destroyed. "They had managed to tear down our gun factory that same week and they had taken all of the women there, but none of the men."

"I mean they're obviously looking for something and the reason they had probably emptied out that factory and the money is probably to weaken you guys." I spoke up with their attention dragging their attention towards mine.

"Exactly, which is why we've already gotten our suspect; Igor Smirnov," Lorenzo clicks on the screen opening up a fact file with a guy coming up, "The dude is a fucking psychopath, he manages human trafficking and he had raped countless of women. He's asked to trade some of our women but we denied, he isn't exactly very...trustworthy with deals and we don't support that here anyways."

"So he had probably taken some of your women forcefully." Valentina replies and they nod.

"But he's not going to stop there, he's planning to take more women in the upcoming Gala and right now it shows that he's obviously not looking just for deals, there is more to it than it seems which is making him go around like a madman." Luca taps his watch and it closes the screen.

"So what are you planning to do?" Diego asks and Sienna smiles, looking to the two men before turning back to us.

"You guys are going to need some dates."



-hmm...Luca and Sebby? ;)


-ta ta for now


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