The Crimson Tyrant: Chapter 1

Start from the beginning




Her thoughts were cut off as everything around her started to faded to black, she reached out and called out to them, but none of them heard her.

Ramshackle Dorm - Your Bedroom

Waking up from the dream, Hibiki groggily sat up on her bed. The room was still a mess, knowing that she still needs to clean up the dorm.

'I wonder why I saw such a weird dream...' she thought, trying to remember what happen but it got interrupted by a knocking at the door. "I hear someone knocking on the door."

"Hey, Hibiki......Someone's at the door..." Grim tiredly said as Nova moved a bit. "What? Is it the Ghosts? They sure don't know when to give up, yanno..."

"I'll go see who it is....." Hibiki yawned out and got out of bed.

Ramshackle Dorm - Foyer

"Who is it at this hour?" Hibiki said as she walked to the Foyer, tiredly rubbing her eyes. "Ye~s, who is it?"

There was a short pause for a response 'til a familiar voice was heard "It's me, Ace... Can you let me in for a bit?"

"Ace-kun?" Hibiki said and opened the door, without looking at him.

"Ace? Why is he here at this hour...?" Grim asked and looked at Ace before he gasped out in shock. "Geh! What's with the collar?!?!"

"Huh?" Hibiki questioned and looked at the Heartslabyul student and saw that familiar heart shaped collar that use to be on Grim. "What the-"

"Geez! I'm never returning to Heartslabyul." Ace angrily said and looked at the two. "I'm gonna be a member of this dorm from here on!"

"WHAT~~~!?!?" both Grim and Hibiki shouted in shock.

Ramshackle Dorm - Lounge

        After they've calmed down, they went to lounge and looked at the collar that was around Ace's neck, who had a irritated look on his face. Hibiki made sure that she had put clean sheets that she could find on the seats so that the dust wouldn't be on them.

"That collar's the same kind as the one that red-haired upperclassman put on me during the opening ceremony." Grim said, looking at the collar and looked at Ace with a questionable look on his face. "Why're you wearin' that?"

"I ate a tart." Ace answered plainly.

"A tart?" Hibiki questioned. "That's it?"

"Exactly!" Ace said to her, crossing his arms. "Only that! I got hungry, so I went to the dorm's kitchen. The tart was just sittin' right there inside the fridge. And like, three whole ones! That's why..."

Heartslabyul Dorm - Kitchen


Ace walked in the kitchen and let out a sigh and went to the fridge. "It's only the first day and I'm so tired~ I missed dinner, so I'm very hungry. Wonder if there's anythin' in the fridge... Oh, found a tart! Looks delish~!" he said when he spotted the tarts and took a hold of one. "There's a lot, so I'm not sure if I can finish it all ♪ Thanks for the food~ Whoa, what the heck?! It's so good!"

"Of course, it would be delicious." a familiar voice was heard behind Ace. "After all, anything that Trey makes is bound to be exquisite."

"Nah, man, this is something else! It's better than the ones at the shops..." Ace said and turned his head to see who it was and his happy expression turned into a scared one when he saw the Dorm Perfect. "Wha– Prefect?!"

Riddle crossed his arms, facing Ace with an angry expression on his face. "Quite the boldness you have there for touching something that belongs to me. Queen of Hearts Rule #89: "You shall not eat tarts prepared for the Queen ahead of her." Larceny of the Queen's tarts is a capital crime!" he then pointed his staff at Ace. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Ace cried out as a heart shaped collar appeared around his neck.

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