Chapter 38

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There were three other journalists assigned to this interview. When I heard camera flashes, I immediately stopped walking. I was standing right before the corner and could just peek around the corner.

People were asking questions about the games from today. The chessplayer was also asked what he thought of the game between Collin and Benny.

"Utterly disturbing." The man said. His voice sounded like he was pinching his nose shut. "They made mistakes, I would have done it way better."

I already hated this man.

"Are you saying that you saw through Mr. Wilson's stunning play?" A unfamiliar voice said.

"Absolutely. I saw immediately what he was doing, defending his rook and all."

If I hadn't been standing there in secret, I would have laughed out loud. This man thought he was better than Benny or Collin and he didn't even remember the play. Collin defended his pawn not his castle.

The smirk on my face quickly faded, when another question was asked. But this time, it was a familiar voice.

"Wasn't he defending his pawn?" He asked.

The chessplayer stared at him for a few seconds, then at the man left to him and then to his right. He had more anger in his eyes than shame.

"That's all the time I have left for you. Excuse me, I need to study." He said stern and walked off.

When he walked around the corner, he almost ran into me, face red with anger.

He stopped in his traces and he brushed some imaginary dust off his already extremely clean jacket.

"Harmon." He said. He avoided my eyes and quickly walked away.

After a minute every journalist had passed me except the one I wanted to speak to. Well, atleast I thought I did.

I took a few deep breaths, took a step forward and took another couple of breaths.

When I walked around the corner he was standing with his back towards me. He was laying out some pictures on a nearby table. Suddenly I wanted to turn around and run.

But the heels of my shoes drew his attention and he turned around. He dropped the pictures in his hands and the only thing that I could read of his face was fear. He was terrified.

"Harmon." He whispered.

I didn't move. My heart was racing and I couldn't open my mouth to say anything. I didn't even know what I wanted to say.

Townes snapped out of his thoughts and bended forward to pick up the photos. His thin hands were shaking.

"You shouldn't be here." He said as he put them all in one pile.

I kept quiet, not able to think straight.

"Harmon, what are you doing here? Go. Leave." He tried to sound angry, but his eyes looked tired to make it believable.

"You look horrible." I said.

Townes scoffed. "Thanks, noted."

"You're avoiding me."

"Not just you." He anwsered, turning back to the table.

"Why?" I asked irritated.

"You know why."

I hated the way he was talking to me. I got that he might find it unpleasant to see me. But I was the one that was supposed to be mad at him. And I was.

"We're not fixing anything by avoiding." I said. It was the thing that I had realised this morning when I saw him. I avoided everyone I loved for almost a year. And it didn't work.

"These aren't things I can fix."

"So what's the plan? You know you're going to die like this."

"Gosh, Harmon, shut it. You sound like Watts." He said frustrated.

I froze when he said Benny's name. If Benny would see me here talking to him he would break. And if he broke, I would go down too.

"You need to leave. For your own sake. You looked happy, alright? Enjoy it." His voice sounded softer, more tired.

"But what about..." I tried.

He turned around abruptly. His tired eyes burning in mine.

"Don't go there. Harmon." His voice was full of anger.


I wanted to scream at him. But felt sorry for him, at the same time. If I wasn't worried about Benny catching me and losing him, I would have probably stayed. But I couldn't.

I nodded and quickly turned around. I started to storm form the casino to the hotel and I didn't slow down until I reached the hotelroom again.

I threw the door open without thinking. Benny looked at me startled. He was already laying in bed shirtless.

"Where have you been? You've been gone for almost an hour." He furrowed his brows.

"Interviewers." I managed to say. I walked to the other side of the bed, threw my clothes out and put on my Pyjamas.

"This late? Why didn't you send them away."

"Didn't want to be rude." I shrugged as I climbed in bed next to him.

He raised an eyebrow. "Since when do you want to seem nice in the eyes of the press?"

"Since I've been out of the picture for almost a year."

That wasn't a complete lie. I did want to look alright. I hated when people talked about me because of my issues and not my chess skills.

He looked at me, searching in my eyes for more. But he didn't find any. He turned around and turned of the lights.

But when he laid down he didn't turn back to me, but kept staring at the wall. He wasn't laying anywhere near me. And it felt cold underneath the blankets.

Tears started to prickle in my eyes. I didn't know what was worse: my conversation with Townes or the fact that Benny gave up breaking through my lies. Of course I couldn't blame him. But I felt him drifting away further and further.

I crawled closer to him and grabbed his hand. It took a second before he reacted. He squeezed it slightly and fell asleep.

I stared at the ceiling, afraid to close my eyes. Because everytime I did, I either saw Benny's disappointed eyes or Townes tired eyes. It hurted to see one of those, but seeing them both was killing me.

I needed to fix this, but I didn't know how.

~A.N: I know that age shouldn't be a thing in relationships. That Beth fell for Benny and Townes is like normal. Just normal small girl crushes. But the fact that Townes liked her back when she was like 17 en he around the 35, didn't sit me right hahaha. But Benny and Beth are perfect. Try to convince me otherwise.

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