Chapter 19

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I sighed when I sat the couch. I had just done the groceries, cleaned the second floor and watered all the plants. I almost forgot how boring chored were. I hadn't done it myself for almost 9 months.

My cravings for alcohol had their ups and downs, but I behaved well the last week. I'm glad Benny threw the bottles wine with the garbage that night in Ohio. I was really doing the best that I could.

I groaned when the phone rang.

"With Beth Harmon." I said to the phone.

"Hey Beth, it's Benny."

My heart immediately started to beat faster. Benny and I hadn't had contact the last week, so I thought that the invitation to the wedding with him was probably a joke. Maybe I hoped that it was.

"Hey Benny." I said a little hesitant.

"I thought it might be smart to plan ahead for next week."  His voice sounded carefully neutral. Maybe he was reconsidering if this was a good plan after all. I sure didn't think it was.

"Owh okay. Go on."

"yeah, if we're going to plan this on the day of the wedding, it probably wouldn't end well. So alright I'm almost in Kentucky, I'm getting fuel right now and..."

"Wait what do you mean you're almost in Kentucky?" I asked surprised.

"What? Did you think I was going to drive hours to attend a wedding to only drive back for another couple of hours?"

"You got a point." I said. "Where are you staying?"

"A hotel nearby. Five minutes driving away from you."

I smiled. The idea of Benny being 5 minutes away from me made me both happy and anxious at the same time.

"But alright. I'll pick you up half a hour beforehand, so we're not going to be late and I'll bring you home afterwards."

"Alright, sounds good." I said.

I didn't know what to say to him. The whole situation felt off, because I didn't know his intentions or if he even had intentions in the first place. I didn't want to let him in, because I was too scared that I would still hold on to him if I would fall again.

"Beth..." Benny started. "I want to discuss some things that I hope you agree to."

I already knew what he was going to say, but I didn't mind it anymore. Not when he said those things.

"Can we agree on no alcohol on the wedding day?"

I waited a second before I replied. The answer was so simple, but I was still scared to promise anything, concerning my discipline.

I sighed. "Alright. No alcohol on Jolene's big day."

"Yes. Than that's one. The other thing is..." He hesitated for a moment before he went on.

"You're going to help me avoid Beltik. I can't handle his face for longer than 5 minutes."

I laughed. Beltik had been here yesterday to come and tell me that he asked the girl for her name. He said he wanted to take her to the wedding. And beside the the also mentioned almost 5 times that he hoped Benny would behave.

"I'll try my best." I said grinning.

"Thanks. Owh and lastly, I'm going to wear a black suit. You don't need to match with me if you don't want to but just so you know."

"I was thinking about wearing a black dress actually."

"Which one?" He asked curiously. Benny had always loved when I put on a black dress. And he knew them all.

Haircut (Beth Harmon X Benny Watts)Where stories live. Discover now