Chapter 39

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I woke up before the sun could peek through the windows. The blankets around me felt cold, the room was cold. A cold sweat stood on my forehead and my hands were sweaty too.

When I turned to Benny, I saw that his eyes were still shut. He was snoring softly. It always made me feel at ease, but this time it was opposite.

I wanted him to be awake, to hold me, to say to me that nothing would tear us apart. But he just laid there in silence. It was only now that I realised that I literally stole all the sheets.

Without making any noise, I moved the blankets from me to him. Some people look cute when they sleep, others terrifying or just really stupid, but Benny's face was different. His face looked concentrated, as if he was playing a chess game in his dreams. And I really loved that look.

After 15 minutes, I knew I wasn't going to fall asleep again. So I decided to get up and study some games. I had neglected my studies for the past couple of days and I wanted to be atleast a little bit ready for today.

Even though that I knew that chess wasn't going to be the problem. Townes face kept flashing through my mind and everytime I thought about what he said, I got chills ony whole body. But I didn't know if I was scared because I wanted to help him and I didn't know how or because Benny might find out.

With all the energy that I had so early in the morning, I pushed the bad thoughts away and concentrated on the board.

Botvinnik, Scharz, Alekhine, Grigoriev and more. The pieces moved with ease and the strategies on point. But so were mine. I only repeated games that I knew I forgot or games that I knew would make me gasp for air.

I had been playing for almost an hour when I heard something at the door. It wasn't a voice or a knock, but I definitely heard something.

Slowly, I stood up from my chair and walked over to the door. But there was nothing. I held my ear against the cold wood and try to listen. The only thing that I heard was the music in the halls and feint footsteps.

Confused, I pulled away form the door. I decided to sit back down. But just before I turned around I saw a small sheet of paper underneath the door.

I picked it up and sat down in my chair.

Sorry from yesterday. I know you think that you can help, but you can't. And besides, we both know that you shouldn't. You're doing great. Win the tournament. I'll make sure I get you on the front page.


I read the note atleast 5 times before I could process what it said. Why did this guy have so much pride, was the first thing in my head. But I quickly pushed the thoughts aside, because I knew I was exactly the same.

I also never admitted my mistakes or tried to recover from my bullshit with help from others. It sucked, I shouldn't need help.

But he'll, I did. And now I'm here. And that why I knew Townes could get here too.

"Already up?" Benny asked with his morning voice. His hair was an absolute mess and he had dark circles underneath his eyes.

His sudden movement scared me. I quickly folded the sheet of paper and put it in the pocket of my Pyjamas.

"Yeah." I said trying to prevent my cheeks from turning red. "Couldn't sleep."

He nodded, still half asleep, which I was really thankful for. I need to throw this away, I said in my mind.

I cleaned the board off and stood up from the table. When I looked back at Benny he was staring at the blanket, covering his lower-body. A soft smile played around his lips.

He looked up from the bed to me and after a few seconds back to the bed. A smirk appearing on his face.

He rolled out of bed and put on a his open black blouse. In his boxers, blouse and socks he walked over to me and pulled his arms around me.

I was surprised for a second, put I quickly hugged him back. A smile immediately appeared on my face as I rested my chin on his shoulder. Everything melted away for a moment. Just Benny and me.

"If something is bothering you, you know you can tell me." He whispered in my ear.

I didn't respond, because I knew I couldn't. So instead, I just held him tighter.

After a moment Benny pulled his arms away from me. I was afraid that he would let go and go on with the day, but with the look in his eyes that wasn't his intention.

He took my hand and lead me to the bed. He laid me down carefully, his hands still in mine.His eyes followed the lines of my body, until he locked them with my eyes. He kissed my forehead, my nose, my lips. But just before he could reach my neck, the phone rang.

I wished the ringing would just stop, that the fucking idiot who decided to call us changed his mind. But the ringing kept going, making me and Benny more frustrated than ever.

Benny groaned, leaned down to kiss my lips once more and than stood up to pick up the phone.

"Watts." He said annoyed.

"Wowoww. Dude, easy." His face quickly turned from anger in confusion. "Yeah, easy, we're on our way. Just calm the hell down."

Benny hang the phone back with a sigh. He ran his hand through his hair, before he replied to my questioning face.

"There is something that got Matt and Mike stressed out of there fucking minds. They want us to get down to the hotel restaurant right now."

"Did they say what?" I asked. My heartbeat had doubled in the last few seconds and in my head I already knew.

"No he didn't want to tell me over the phone. Matt sounded angry, and he's almost never angry. So, Let's go."

We quickly changed and walked downstairs. When we left the room, I took Benny's hand, scared that I might not be able to hold it after this breakfast.

Matt and Mike were sitting at a table in a corner. I had to surpress a sigh when I saw that  Collin was there too.

We quickly sat down in front of them. Matt and Mike both had a worried mixed with anger look on their faces. Collin just looked confused, what only gave me more the feeling that I knew what this was going to be about.

"You're finally here." Matt and Mike said simultaneously.

"What's going on?" Benny ran his hand through his hair.

Matt and Mike looked at each other and sighed.

"We think Townes is here."

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, I said in my head, crushing Benny's hand in mine.

~A.N: Matt and Mike always give me Fred and George vibes. I really like them, but it's too bad the twins aren't in the book. But hey there in mine hahaha

Haircut (Beth Harmon X Benny Watts)Where stories live. Discover now