Chapter 32

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The first two matches were easy. I had forgotten that the US Open really was less competitive than the US championship. Or maybe I was just less rusty.

My first game was with a man from around 30, I had beaten him before. When I had taken place in my chair in front of him, I heared him sigh quietly. I couldn't surpress my smile entirely.

I had lunch with Matt and Mike. Benny went of to talk to some friends, he hadn't seen in a while. At first, I didn't mind it, but when he told me he knew them from his long, stupid, poker nights, I got slightly irritated. What made him slightly irritated.

After he told me at least 20 times, that talking to people he plays poker with, isn't the same as playing poker. Then he kissed me. And I couldn't stay too annoyed afterwards.

After my lunch with the twins, which was great, I walked back to the casino to play my second game.  It took me a bit more time and a bit more moves, but I still beat the man with ease. 

He smiled at me faintly, before he stood up and left, looking at the ground. I almost pitied him for
kicking his ass. Almost.

I walked past all the boards. A lot of people were still playing. The King's gambit, Luchenko, Boleslavski, I recognized them all in less than a few seconds.

At the very end of the room, I saw Benny. It surprised me he hadn't finished yet, but from the grin on his face, I knew he was close to winning. Benny only knew how to keep a poker-face when he was losing. Or when he was playing with me and didn't want to hurt my feelings by beating my ass. He's such a gentleman.

I started to walk up to him, to give him a encouraging smile or an eye roll to stop him from laughing at his opponent, but after a few steps I stopped.

I saw Collin Wilson two tables away from me. He was sitting with face turned away, but I recognized his hair, because it had the exact same color as his mother. I knew I told myself that I wouldn't let memories of Alma in my head these few days, but I was too curious to do nothing.

I slowly took a step closer, so I was able to look over his shoulder. He was playing white, against a short man with a small orange mustache.

I was surprised by the pieces on the board. I couldn't clearly see what game he was doing but it certainly looked strong. The short man in front of him had a grumpy look on his face. As he was denying the fact that he would probably not get out of the grasp Collin put him in.

Matt and Mike were right. He's not bad. Not bad at all.

I leaned against a pillar, enjoying the expression on the man's face grow angrier and angrier. If it was I he would be playing with, I would have probably felt annoyed that he didn't resign, but Collin showed no struggle at all. He just kept moving his pieces, taking the man's queen of the board.

The short man's face was so red, that he reminded of a dwarf from a certain fairy tale. His orange mustache clashed with his head.

He shot up and walked away without saying anything to me. He beat his ass hard.

When the man left, Collin let out a sigh, quickly followed with a nervous chuckle.

I slowly started to walk up to him.

"Well, that was quite a match." I said, picking up the black queen, that he just pushed of the board.

Collin looked up at me smiling. "Yeah, I got a feeling he didn't really want to lose."

"Who does?" I asked, sitting down in the chair in front of him.

"Good question." He started to pick the pieces up and put them down in their place.

Haircut (Beth Harmon X Benny Watts)Where stories live. Discover now