Chapter 24

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It only took me ten minutes to push myself past all the people and to find Jolene. She was standing arm in arm with David, talking to two elders, a man and a woman. When I got closer, I immediately saw the resemblance between the woman and David.

They were his parents. I sighed. Now I couldn't just run up to Jolene.

I awkwardly leaned against one of the brown stone pillars of the building. The room was amazingly decorated, what made me wonder if Jolene did this herself or not.

I looked around. I lost Benny almost immediately after we walked in. I blushed after what he had said, but when I turned around to respond he was gone. After searching for him for 5 minutes, I decided to look for Jolene first.

That was less hard, because Jolene was wearing a white gown, whereas Benny suddenly blended in between normal people. Except for his hair of course.

When I looked back at Jolene, David's parents were just leaving. I waited a few seconds before they passed me. Before anyone else could walk up to them, I walked with a high pace towards them.

"Hey Cracker." She smiled.

"Hey Jolene." I said, as I have her a tight hug.

Jolene and I were never big huggers, but today I didn't care and I knew when she hugged me back that she didn't as well.

David cleared his throat, breaking me and Jolene up. "We've never actually met, but I've heard a great deal about you." He held out his hand.

I shook it. "So did I."

After we talked for a short while, David went to talk to some friends, leaving me and Jolene alone.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" She asked.

"You're married." I said with a grin.

"No shit sherlock." She replied, shaking her head.

I took two steps forward and turned around, so we were both turned to the crowd.

"Do you remember the day, when you asked me what a cocksucker was?" She said laughing.

"Hell, that was so long ago." I smiled." I didn't even know how to play chess and you didn't know how to contain your anger."

"True." She said. "Good times, Cracker, good times."

Before we could go fully down memory lane, I saw a head with messy blonde hair making his way over to us.

"Here you are." He said as he ran his hand through his hair. He had an uneasy look on his face.

"Jezus Jolene, how many friends do you have?"

"Quite a lot." She said. "What happened to your hair?" Her voice sounded a annoyed.

I couldn't help but laugh." Don't worry, he tried."

"I bet he did." Jolene said shaking her head. Benny congratulated her. After less than 2 seconds he was standing next to me again.

"Sorry, I ran of. Had to go to the bathroom, but because there are almost only man here, the row was damn long. So when I walked outside again, I couldn't find you." He whispered.

"You could've gone to the Lady's bathroom."

"And have the chance to bump into Beltik? No thanks."

I pushed my elbow in his side, but we both started to laugh, catching the attention of Jolene again, who was talking to somebody else.

She grinned at me and mouthed, "I told you so."

Haircut (Beth Harmon X Benny Watts)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon