Chapter 21

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We parked right across the church. I haven't been anywhere near a church since I went to Mr. Shaibel funeral. Both me and Jolene weren't the strictests catholics. We both had a strange connection to God that was hard to explain.

"You're ready?" Benny said as he checked his hair for the second time in the front mirror of the car.

"Ready enough." I said as I reached for the car door.

"Beth wait." He said quickly.

I turned around. He was still running his hand through his hair.

"Does this look weddding-proof?" He pointed at his head.

A lock of blond hair hung in front of his eyes. I never really minded his messy hair, but Jolene always mocked him about it.

"Wait come here." I said softly. I moved a bit closer to him and ran my hand through his hair a couple of times. It took a while before the lock stopped falling in front of his eyes. It was only when I got it right, that I heared his breath. I slowly leaned back, my look fixated on his hair, because I was too scared to look him in his eyes.

When nobody had said something in the next 5 seconds, I carefully looked down to his brown eyes.  We sat like that in silence, staring at each other, both too scared to say anything that would ruin the feeling we were feeling.

But after almost a minute, a car parked right in front of ours. We simultaneously looked at the car, confused. I glanced back to him one more time, and I couldn't help but smile.

We both stepped out of the car and we're immediately greeted by the one person Benny didn't want to see.

"Owh hey Beth." Harry in a suit looked exactly as you would expect him to look like. His tie was knotted wrong and he had double knotted his shoelaces, making him look like a 10 year old. But that was Beltik, and I was used to it.

"Hey Harry." I replied.

It took him two seconds to see Benny standing at the other side of the car.

"Watts." He said in a annoyed voice.

"Beltik." Benny replied.

I rolled with my eyes. Both almost thirty and they were  acting like 2 year olds.

"Shall we go?" I asked. I promised Benny that I would try to keep him away from Beltik, and I wasn't planning on letting him down.

Suddenly, a blonde girl stepped out of Harry's car. Did he do it? Did he really asked the girl out?

She walked around the car with her face turned away from us. But when she stood next to Harry and took his arm, I immediately knew who it was.

"Annette Packer?" I asked confused.

"Beth Harmon, it's so nice to see you again." She walked up to me and gave me a hug. I was startled at first, but I was so happy to see her again that I didn't mind it. When we met go, both Benny and Harry were staring at us in confusion.

"You know each other?" Harry asked.

"Of course we do, dummy. You remember the Kentucky championship, where Beth beat you? I was there too remember. I was the first to lose from Beth in a tournament." She smiled excited.

Harry still looked confused, but then it hit him. "Holy shit yes that was such a long time ago. That you still recognise each other is a miracle."

"No we've seen each other one more time after that." I said while looking the ground." I'm still sorry for letting you down that day."

She took a step forward and layed he hand on my shoulders. "It doesn't matter anymore, Beth. I'm still proud of you."

I smiled shyly. Harry was one lucky man. I had never met any one more generous and warm than Annette.

"Shall we go inside now." Said Benny impatiently.

"We shall." I anwsered.

Annette took Harry's arm again and they walked in front of us to the door. I awkwardly walked to Benny. I wanted to take his arm, but I didn't where standing. Why was this all so fucking confusing?

One second we were staring at each other and the other I didn't even know if he wanted to have me here with him.

But that last question got anwsered, when Benny suddenly stood still. He held out his arm and smile when I accepted it.

"It is weird that I feel a little out of place?" He whispered, as we walked to the door together.

"You're wearing a suit, Benny. What did you expect." I laughed.

"Hey, you're acting like I never dress normal. He said, acting insulted.

I looked at me with a raised eyebrow. And after a few seconds he did the same. We both walked in the church laughing.

After receiving three different directions from three different people, I finally found Jolene. She was trying to get the zipper of her dress closed. I immediately walked up to her and closed it.

When she turned around, my mouth fell open. She looked so beautiful in her wedding dress.

"Thanks Cracker." She smiled. I immediately saw that the was nervous. My favorite radical was nervous and getting married. Maybe miracles did exist.

"You look amazing Jolene." I touched the frantic of her dress. It felt really soft between my fingers.

"Awh shut up, I look alright." She said as she turned to the mirror to look at herself.

I felt so happy inside that I had this feeling I was going explode. Jolene was my first friend, my only friend. I wouldn't have survived the orphanage, the Russian tournament or this year without her. And her she was.

It was her day now. Her time to shine. Jolene and I never talked about how much we cared for each other, but we both knew.

"You're not going to cry are you?" She said grinning.

I scoffed. "No of course not."

I took a deep quiet deep breath so she wouldn't hear it. I never been more proud or happy for anyone.

"Do you think I look ready?" She asked with a tremble in her voice.

"Like I said, amazing. Don't worry."

I smiled and she smiled back.

"Alright." She sighed.

I took her by her arm and led her to the door.

"Let's get you married." I grinned.

Haircut (Beth Harmon X Benny Watts)Where stories live. Discover now