Chapter 16

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I woke up with a huge headache. That kind of headache that makes you want to rip your head of. The ringing of the clock next to me sounded a thousand times louder than yesterday. I also threw it a thousand times harder to the floor than yesterday. After a loud crack the awful noise stopped.

It took me a few seconds before I realised where I was. My hair smelled like wine, and so did my entire room. I sat up straight in my bed, trying to fight the thunderstorm that was raging in my brain.

When I managed to open my eyes fully, I looked around me. Everything looked fine, except for the broken clock on the floor. I was surprised. Most of the time when I had woken up like this, my room was always a mess, scattered with empty bottles and cigarettes. But nothing, only the smell was still there and even that wasn't as bad as usual. Even my clothes were been put in my bag, neatly.

Then I realised something even more strange. I didn't set an alarm last night.

I slowly turned my body around, letting my feet touch the floor. Getting up was always the hardest part. But I got used it.

After I got dressed, I was still trying to put the puzzle pieces of last night together. I of course remembered Benny with that witch. I'm glad I forgot her name. My heart already started to beat faster by the thought of her, but I took a deep breath. My head couldn't really take an outburst right now.

I started to think again. Than the guy with the bright blue cap, the wine, the tears and then... It started to get blurry.

I remembered that I saw Collin yesterday night as well. He was mad at me, I thought. But about what? I had no clue at all.

And then something with Benny, well atleast I think it was Benny. I probably scolded at him. Well he did deserve it. Didn't he?

"Shit." I whispered. Because of the headache and the confusion I had when Iwoke, I totally forgot that it was the big day. The final chess match. I groaned when I thought about the fact that I have to look at Benny's face for the next couple of hours.

I was probably going to see that blond girl before me through the whole game.

Then I panicked a little. I couldn't beat Benny at speed chess sober. Let alone that I'm going to beat him in normal chess hungover.

I quickly fixed my hair and brushed my teeth trying to get the alcohol smell out of it. When I was ready I ran through the halls to the room where I was supposed to play.

I ran towards the table, where Collin was sitting. His whole body stiffened when he saw me. He looked like shit and really tired. Did he drink too last night? Maybe he was drunk, when he shouted at me?

"Hey Collin, I..."

Without even looking at me he shoved the pen and sheet of paper towards me and started to do something else. Maybe he didn't shout drunkenly at me. I shrugged it off and ran further in the room.

Benny was already waiting, and there were more people than I had ever seen in this room. I walked up the little stairs.

Benny had his usual clothes on. Black pants, black blouse, blacked coat and black cowboy hat. I didn't know anyone else who dressed like him. That's why it made him attractive. But immediately after I saw his face, the face of the girl appeared next to him in my mind.

I shaked me head as I walked up to the table, trying to either kill her or get her out of my head. I would be content with both.

"Beth." He said casually, as he held out his hand.

I took his hand in mine and shook it, immediately sitting down after.

He did the same, but his look was still fixated on me. It looked like he wanted to say something. Or expected me to say something.

Haircut (Beth Harmon X Benny Watts)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt