Chapter 100.

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Adriana's POV

I let out a deep sigh as I prepare myself to walk down the isle. "I miss her so much," I smile making sure my hair line is crisp and straight. "I know," Zayden chuckles as Symone straightened my suit up. "Perfect," she hums then pull me into a hug. "Take care of my sister A," she said making me smile and nod my head. "Go," Zayden said as I peak around the corner to see everything set up nicely. We decided to have an outdoor wedding in a beautiful garden. 

The black chairs faced the alters as the isle was decorated with red roses and carpet. "It's beautiful," I hum looking at the red rosses at the alter. The beautiful flowers and pool behind the alter made it even more beautiful as the black and red pedals float in the water. 

"Ready?" I mumble but saw mama walk towards me. "I hope you didn't think you was walking down there by yourself," mama said looping her arm around mines. "Fix your crown hun. You know our traditions by now," ma said making me chuckle as I held in my tears. "Thank you, ma," I smile as the glass doors open and soft music began to play. My heart began to beat so loudly as I carefully matched the pace of my soon-to-be mother in law. "Perfect," she whispers as I sat her in her seat after placing a soft kiss on her cheek. 

I went to the alter and shook the man's hand that will be joining me and Jasmine's marriage. "Pleasure to be uniting two beautiful couples," he chuckles shaking my hand. I smile and talked with the priest gathering information on how he will be uniting us the Morningstar way which consisted of me, Jahi, and Justice being present all at once as we share our first kiss as wives. "You know instead of god, I will have to say Lord Samael?" He said making me smile and shake my head. "It's about to start," he smile as I faced the door and see Zayden and Michelle walk in together just like they have practiced. 

I can feel her heartbeat. Jahi mumbles as I watch Symone and Zariah walk down the isle. 

I hugged Zayden once he made it to the alter then Symone. "Ready?" He smiled rubbing my shoulders as I see the twins crawl to me leaving a trail of flowers behind them. "Awn," I hear the audience as I smile seeing my beautiful princess and prince make it up to the alter. "Oh, man," I sniffle as Michelle grabbed Makayla and Symone grabbed Titan. 

I felt my hands sweat as the music changed and everyone stood up. I turn my back to the door and waited until Zayden cue me to turn around. I shook my hands and wiped the tears from my eyes before I got to see my beautiful wife. 

Zayden tapped my shoulders making my heart beat against my chest as I turned around. "Wow," I smile feeling the tears finally fall down my face. My mouth hung open as she slowly made her way down the isle. "I got you," Zayden smile closing my mouth and gave me a napkin earning a few chuckles from the audience. My let out some sniffles holding my hand out, helping her up to the alter. I grabbed the veil and slowly lifted it over her head. "Wow," I croaked doing a small fist thrust in the air. 

"You're so beautiful," I mumble feeling her hand move up to my face and wipe the tears away. "You are too," she giggles with glossy eyes. "Ready?" I hear immediately nodding my head. "We are gathered here today to in a union of marriage. They made a commitment to one another to chase their dreams, face their disappointments, accept each other's failures, and realize their hopes. Adriana and Jasmine will make a promise here now to aspire these ideas throughout their lives together," he continued on reading a book. "The bride and groom each prepared a vows they will now read," he said making Jasmine hold my hand tighter and look up at me to meet my eyes.

"I have remembered having dreams wondering who I'd marry," she began wiping the tears from my face. "Adriana, you've exceeded everything I thought a woman like you should be in. I could not have dreamed more of a loyal, hardworking, and pure man than you. I am so thankful the one standing in front of me right now. I can remember the day you told me you love me. You just blurt it out and was so surprised by your own words and I was so excited to say it back. Your love Adriana. Your love is the purest love that I know. I have never felt more safe than in your arms. Just your presence alone made me feel safe," she giggles as her voice croaked from her trying to hold in her tears. "I promise to never judge you but instead stand by you in every decision you make. As your wife I promise to love you with every ounce in my heart. I promise to protect you and always be your best friend. You encouraged me and you love me relentlessly and you never judge me. I promise to do the same, I promise to never give up on us and stand by your side through every obstacle life throws at us. I promise to always support you no matter how tough our days get and I promise to never take our love for granted. I cannot wait to start this new chapter with you. I want you for the rest of my days, months, and years," she says as I continue to wipe her tears away without messing up her make up. 

"I love you," I mouthed seeing her fan her face. "I want to kiss you right now," she giggles causing everyone to laugh as I took a deep breath. "Okay, let me try to get through this without crying," I chuckle. I went through my vows and promises leaving her in tears causing me to quickly wipe them away as I fixed the crown on her head. 

"Now, Adriana, do you take Jasmine to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her in sickness and in health? For richer or for poorer? Forsaking all others into holding only unto her as long as you shall live?" He asks as I look at Jasmine with so much pure love. "I do," I smile feeling Justice and Jahi surface watching her smile widen. "Jasmine, do you take Adriana to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her in sickness and in health? For richer or for poorer? Forsaking all others into holding only unto her as long as you shall live?" He ask her making me bite my lip in nervousness. "I do," she sniffle as the gold hue of Tati mix into her brow orbs. 

"Jasmine and Adriana will now exchange rings as a symbol of love and commitment to each other. These rings are of precocious silver as they mark the beginning of your life long journey together. They are to resemble your infinite love together. It is the seal of the vows you have just taken to love each other without end," he said making me turn my head to see Zayden hold up Titan. "Thanks, prince," I smile grabbing the ring from his small pocket. "Thank you princess," I hear Jasmine giggle causing me to turn around and see her turn to me holding the ring.

"Adriana, please place the ring on Jasmine's left hand and repeat after me," he mumbles allowing me to slide the ring onto her left ring finger. "As a sign of my love. . . That I have chosen  you. . . Above all else. . . With this ring, I then ring. . ." He says pausing, allowing me to repeat after him. "Jasmine, please place the ring on Adriana's left hand and repeat after me," he mumbles again allowing her to slide the ring onto my left ring finger. "As a sign of my love. . . That I have chosen you. . . Above all else. . . With this ring, I then ring. . ." He says pausing to let her repeat. He started talking again as Jasmine glanced to him then back at me. 

"And now, by the power invested in me. It is my honor to declare you wife and wife," he said as Jasmine moved around smiling causing everyone to laugh. "You may kiss your bride," he said allowing me to pull Jasmine into me and kiss her with so much love and passion. I pulled away only for her to peck my lips again.

"Ladies and gentlemen. May I present to you for the first time, Mrs. and Mrs. Morningstar-Matts!" I hear as I watch Jasmine grab the bouquet from Michelle. 

I gladly held my wife's hand and walked down the isle hearing cheers and claps from everyone that we have invited. "Kiss," our photographer mumbles making me look at Jasmine and wrap my arms around her and place a soft kiss on her lips. "Perfect," he mumbles as we entered the building. I stood at the front door and pulled her into a hug. "You look so beautiful," I cry feeling her arms wrap around my shoulder and kiss my neck. "You look beautiful to my queen," she sniffles as I pull back and wipe my tears as I do the same to her. "Let's go start our new chapter," I chuckle opening the door only to see a crowd of people cheering and clapping. 

"Wha-" Jasmine gasp as I look over at her and walk down the steps to the limo. "My love," I smile opening the door for her. She placed a kiss on my lips and got into the limo. I touched my lips with a big smile before I got into the limo with her. "Ready?" I ask holding my hand out. "I'm ready," she giggles connecting our hands together.


Everyone walking down the isle?

Jasmine's vows?

The entire ceremony?

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The story is almost at the end! I might delete this after a few weeks of it being completed after I think it's trash. XD

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