Chapter 85.

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Adriana's POV

"Baby," I chuckle watching her text rapidly in her phone. "Hold on baby," she mumbles as we arrived at the meeting spot. "What it do!" Zayden yelled as I got out and opened the door for Jasmine. I got Titan out and placed a hat on his head while Jasmine got the diaper bag and placed a cute hat on Makayla. "What's up Zay, what's up Z?" I smile pulling her into a side hug. "Well forget about us then?" Michelle scoff making me laugh and pull her into a hug. 

"Let's go, I want to see the nuggets try out meat since they are seven months old," I said opening the door for Jasmine. "Table for," I paused counting everyone. "Would you like a booster seat?" She asks smiling at my nuggets. "No, can we get the largest booth you have?" I ask watching her nod her head and lead us to a large booth. "Thank you," I smile sliding in and place the twins between me and Jasmine. "Can I get you all's drink?" She asks smiling lowly. "Water, peach margarita for her and two waters for the babies," I smile watching her write it down and get everyone else's drink. 

"Man, I'm bout to eat all their food," Zayden said looking at the buffet. "Greedy," I mumble watching him flip me off. "I'll get our food baby," Jasmine said making me shake my head. "I got it ma, watch the twins," I smile getting up along with Symone and Michelle. I grabbed a plate for the twins and placed mashed potato and chicken tenders. I fixed me and Jasmine's plate, smiling softly. "So, do you think Juju is going to win the hospital?" Michelle asks making me smile and nod my head. "Even though the world hates to see a woman in power, I know my baby can do it when she's determined," I smile going back to the table with Michelle trailing behind me. 

"Thank you," I said grabbing her phone after setting the plates in front of her. "Hey," she pout as I slid it into my pocket. "Worry about that later baby, we're about to give our nuggets their first actual meal," I smile placing Makayla on my lap. "Okay," she smiled breaking the tenders up into smaller pieces. "Thank you baby," I smile seeing our drinks come to us. I poured their water into their sippy cups and gave it to them. "Yaya ya ya ya," Makayla laughed shaking her cup every where. "Okay, that's enough water," I laughed grabbing a tender piece blowing on it. 

I placed it into her hand watching her bite into it along with Titan. I smile seeing her chew into the food with the small teeth she have. I leaned their hats on the head, making sure to cover their head. I felt Makayla wiggling on my lap. "Oh, like mother like daughter," Symone laughed causing me to look over at Jasmine and see her wiggling with food in her mouth. Titan on the other hand stared at her with a smile on his face. I bit into my food and hum lowly. 

"Kay," I laughed as she grabbed a hand full of warm mashed potatoes. Titan grabbed a chicken tender piece and stuff it in his mouth. "Ty," Jasmine cackle turning him towards her and shook her head. "Don't choke baby boy," she giggle as I clean up Makayla's hand. "Yup, got it," Michelle said holding up her phone. I smile and continue to feed them and eat my food also. 

At some point they got full and just started playing with their food. "Azael, huge favor," Jasmine said making him turn his head and look back. "Can you please get a couple of pieces of sweets that's edible for the babies?" She asks making him nod. "Yes, ma'am," he reply walking off and went to the deserts. "They can only get a small portion of it. I don't want their stomachs to be hurting," I said feeling Jasmine's thumb wipe my bottom lip. 

"Thank you beautiful," I smile kissing her cheek making her smile and show her dimple. "Diabetes," Zayden coughed making us roll our eyes and throw some peas at him. "You don't want to start a food fight A," He laughed holding up a half eaten chicken. "Not with my babies here," Jasmine said as Azael came back with a small thing of Jell-O. The waitress came back and grabbed our dirty plates, allowing me to wipe it down and sit Makayla on the table. "Aht," Jasmine giggle snatching the plate before Makayla could get it. 

She sat Titan on the table beside his sister making me smile tickle their stomach. They let out a loud giggle causing people to look at us. "Here princess," I mumble grabbing a spoon and place it into her mouth. She immediately frowned and spit it out. "Oh, she don't like it," I laugh wiping her mouth clean. "Titan greedy butt loves it," Jasmine smile feeding him all of the small desert. 

I laid Kay on me and pat her back. "You're next prince," Jasmine smiled cleaning him up then laid him on her breast. I felt Kay body relax, letting me know she's sleep. "They never want to fall asleep that fast on us," Zariah pout making me laugh and scoot closer to Jasmine. I leaned over and kissed Titan's head smiling to myself. 

"Look at the family goals," Michelle said making me laugh and shake my head. "I'm going for seconds so," Zayden said standing up. "Greedy butt," I laughed watching him back up sticking up his middle finger. I had to stifle my laugh when he bumped into a random dude. "Clumsy," I laugh shaking my head. I held Makayla with one hand then wrapped my other arm around Jasmine. "You okay?" I ask running my fingers through her hair. 

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about the hospital," she sigh causing Zariah and Michelle to look at her. "You got it, you've saved so many likes and performed so many successful surgeries. They shouldn't hesitate to let you own it," Michelle smiled as Zariah rubbed her arm. "What we talking about?" Zayden asks sitting back down with a plate full of food. "Fat," I laughed feeling Jasmine's hand rub up and down my thigh. "You too nigga," he chuckles as Zariah cleaned something off of his cheek. "So, how about a movie night?" Jasmine asks sitting up. "Do we get to go to the store in our pajamas?" Michelle asks making Zariah squeal lowly. "Duh," Jasmine laugh earning a laugh from everyone. 

"Omg, omg, huge fan," I hear someone squealed as Sam and Azael pushed them back. "I forgot about the famous thing," Jasmine sigh as I tell Azael and Sam to stop. "Omg, you're hanging out with the Michelle Harris!" She squealed causing the twins to jump and move. "How can we help you?" Jasmine asks bouncing Titan. "Ca-can you sign my laptop?" She asks holding out a sharpie marker. "Um, sure?" I reply awkwardly watching her slide her laptop to us and the marker. I watch Jasmine sign 'Mrs. & Mrs. Morningstar-' then slid it over to me and let me signs 'Matts'. 'Mrs. & Mrs. Morningstar-Matts' is what it ended up being after we both signed it. "Thank you so much, can I get yours too?" She asks turning to Michelle earning a small smile. "Of course sweetie," she smile and signed her name on the laptop. 

"I- omg. Thank you," she giggle hugging her laptop. "So you two are famous?" Zayden ask receiving a shrug from me. "They have fan pages of us," Jasmine snicker leaning over and place a kiss on Makayla's head. "I'm going to be famous once I get drafter into NFL," Zayden smirk puffing his chest. "I will have to trust you to win these games, man. I will be making bets on you," I laugh placing a tip on the table. "Bro, I'm going to be the next Tom Brady," he smirk wrapping his arms around Zariah. "Do your thing bro, I'll try to make it to your games," I smile holding my hand out to help Jasmine out of the booth. "Bet," he smiled as we walked out of the restaurant and to our separate cars. 

"We'll be over in a hour or two," Zayden said as I placed the Makayla in her car seat. "Us too," Michelle said making me nod my head. "Alright," I smile going around and open the door for Jasmine. "Thank you baby," she smile as I closed the door and got into the driver's side. "You know what that means?" Jasmine asks looking at me biting her lip. "What?" I ask licking mines. "We can have some fun," she smirk moving in her seat in a seductive way. "Say less." 
(To be continued...)

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