Chapter 65.

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Adriana's POV

"I don't want to leave," Jasmine pout kissing the babies. "Go save some lives mamas," I smile kissing her nose. I watched her leave making me sigh and kiss my babies. "Will you two behave if when I start my meeting?" I asks my baby burritos. I went to my office, opening the door and smile at the small set up Jasmine placed beside my desk. "Come on nuggets," I sigh laying them in their bouncers. "Where's your pacifier ma ma?" I ask placing Titan's in his mouth. I saw it under her small butt making me laugh and place it in her mouth. 

"Better my little nuggets?" I ask checking the time to start the meeting. "Good morning everyone," I said sitting back in my chair watching Azael walk in. I pointed to the chair in front of my desk, hearing Ty and Kay suck on their pacifiers. 

"Do you have anyone to represent you here at the meeting since you are with your girlfriend?" Mr. Hall said making me clench my jaw. "My fiancé is at work saving lives even though that is none of your concern," I said leaning back in my chair hearing Makayla get cranky. 

"Go get their bottles," I mouth watching him nod his head. "Begin the meeting and focus on what we're here to discuss other than my family," I said twirling the pen in my hand. "Sorry Ms." He said letting out a low cough. "Thank you," I mouth grabbing the bottles and warm them up in my hands. I tilted the camera up some so my princess wouldn't be in the camera. 

"Ms. If you're busy we can do this another time," someone sigh making me clench my jaw and look at the camera. "Continue talking about the charity event," I said glancing up to see them all look at me with wide eyes. "Yes, we are thinking about donating money to children's hospital," he said making me nod my head and write some questions down. I hear air being sucked making me lean up and pull the bottle from her mouth. 

"You full ma ma?" I whisper laying her on my chest patting her back. I was smart this time to place the cloth on my shoulder "Hold on baby boy," I mumble placing myself on mute and hold them both on my chest. "You hungry lil man?" I ask kissing his soft head. I placed Makayla back into her bouncer, placing her pacifier in her mouth. I continue to listen to them hearing them end it. I quickly unmuted myself getting everyone's attention. 

"I did not dismiss everyone," I said warming the bottle in my hand. "You seemed busy," he said closing his suitcases. "That does not mean that I was not paying attention. How are we going to attend a charity even without the location and without me signing the check to donate?" I ask watching them look at me with their mouths open. 

"This is your last screw up for all of you. Swallow your pride and accept that you have a woman owning the company still," I scolded hearing grunts from Titan. "Ye-yes ma'am," Mr. Hall said sitting back down. "We are donating one million dollars to the children's hospital and the even will be held in Texas," he said as I nod my head. "We can book you a flight if you would like. No, I will drive. Who will you take as an escort?" He asks biting his lip. "I will escort my future wife," I deadpanned removing the bottle from Titan's mouth. "Who will watch the kids," he joked making me squint my eyes at him. 

"Out," I said kissing Titan's head then place him in his bouncer. "Excuse me?" He chuckles as I stood up and fixed my shirt. "Get out, I will deal with you personally," I said tilting the camera up to my face. "But I-I," he stuttered running his hands down his face. "Calm down you're not getting fired," I said making him sigh in relief. "But you're getting demoted," I said making everyone look at me with wide eyes. "Bu-but I-I have kids," he said making me smile and cross my legs too. "Hmm, that doesn't seem like a joking matter then," I said looking over to my beautiful nuggets sleeping peacefully. 

"I'm sorry," he mumbles making me hum and prop my feet up on the desk. "Up the donation to three million," I said then dismissed everyone. "Hall, stay," I said glancing at my screen saver on my phone of Jasmine and the babies sleeping together. "Yes ma'am," he says looking at the board then the camera. "There are two things that I take very serious," I said sitting in my chair leaning back. "That's family and the company, got it?" I ask watching him nod his head. "You do have a voice, Hall," I scolded hearing him clear his throat as a sheen of sweat cover his forehead. "Yes ma'am," he said. "Good, this is your last and final warning. Don't make me come up there with children," I said ending the call. 

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