Chapter 58.

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Jasmine's POV

It's almost twelve o'clock and Adri was running through the house excited. "Come on baby, the baby shower is going to start," she said pulling me to her. "Baby, I am almost nine months pregnant, my feet are swollen and my belly is so large that I can't see my feet. I cannot move that fast," I giggle making it to the bottom of the steps.

I looked at Adri's shirt, unbuttoning the top two buttons of her blue polo shirt. "Better," I smile biting my lip. "You are something else," she chuckles leaning down and peck my lips. I pulled her down into a deep kiss before she could pull away. "Baby," she chuckles into the kiss earning a low hum from me. I nibbled on her bottom lip, hearing her groan and wrap her hand around my throat. 

"We do not need to be seeing all of that," I hear dad's voice making me pull away and open my eyes. "Hi dad," I mumble wiping Adri's lips while licking mines. "Hi dad nothing, get your asses out there," he laughed pointing to the back yard. I looked up to see Adri looking down at me with a smirk. "Stop it," I laugh hiding my face. "I can't look at my beautiful fiancé?" She pout as I smile and grabbed her hand. 

I heard music starting and the sound of Michelle and Symone. "Clap it up for soon to be Mrs. and Mrs. Morningstar-Matts," I hear Michelle making me smile and look up at Adriana. She went behind me and guided me outside to the backyard. I felt my smile widen as I saw everyone close to us there including Riri. 

"Let's get you seated," Adri said leading me to a white and gold throne. "A throne?" I giggle watching her sit, then pull me onto her lap. "Yes, you deserve the best," she mumbles gripping my waist. "I would personally dip this in diamonds if I could," she growls in my ear sending pleasurable shivers down my spine. 

"Stop it," I mumble squirming on her lap. "Just stating facts," she chuckles rubbing my stomach. "Alright, do everyone have their genders?" Zariah asks clasping her hands. "Keep them, we will reveal the gender at the end. Only Jasmine, Adriana, and Symone knows the gender so you can't say we're cheating," Michelle laughed as I watch Symone take pictures of us. 

We played some games and ate food, which almost ended up into a food war between Adri and Zayden. "I can't believe we're having a baby soon," Adri mumbles standing up and sat me on the throne. "I'm kind of nervous," I mumble watching her sit on the arm of the throne. "I will be there with you baby," she said leaning over and kissed my forehead while placing her hand on my stomach. 

"You know how your birthday is in two weeks?" I ask rubbing my hand up and down her arm. "What about it?" She asks tilting her head down to look at me. "What about it?" She asks as I see Michelle and Zariah walk up to us. "What if the babies are born close to your birthday?" I smile watching her look down at me and smile. "That would be the best birthday gift ever," she said making me smile and hide my face. 

"Aht, my queen don't hide her beauty," she said moving my hands from my face. I felt my cheeks heat up and my smile widen. "Beautiful," she whispered before Mimi and Z interrupted us. "Ready for the reveal?" They asks making me nod and clasp my hands. "Great, all right everyone!" Michelle called interrupting Zayden's and Adri's conversation. 

"It's time to reveal the gender," Zariah squeal jumping up and down. They pulled out a big box making me look up to Adri and see her look at me confused too. "Symone," we mumble at the same time watching her come up to the front. "You know I had to put some style into the reveal since I will be delivering your baby," Sy said popping the collar of her shirt with a proud look. 

"Come on," she said as I feel Adri's arms wrap around my waist. "Come on mamas," she mumbles helping me up from my chair. She stayed behind me as I looked at the large box. "Adri come to the other side," Symone said making Adri wrap her arms around me tighter. "Or stay there," she sighs shaking her head as I nudge Adri's stomach. "Get over there," I grunt watching her sigh and walk to the other side of the large black box. "Open it," she said putting on goggles. 

"Don't we need those too?" I said frowning. "Oh yeah," she laughed as I squint my eyes at her. We put on the goggles and opened the lid. "Really Sy?" I laugh seeing two black balloons lift up in front of me. "I'm going to guess we're going to burst these," I snort grabbing a fork from Zariah. 

"On three?" Adri asks smiling widely. "One... Two... THREE!" I yelled stabbing the balloon. I gasp seeing pink dust fall out of the balloon and blue dust fall out of Adri's balloon. I let out a small snicker as everyone look at us confused. "Look up!" Symone yelled making everyone look up to see a plane fly over our house with a flag attached to it. "We're having twins!" I squealed reading the flag that says 'WE'RE HAVING TWINS!' Everyone started cheering and clapping while I rub my stomach and look over to Adri. 

"Any time now," she whispers kissing my head while I lean back and rub her arms. "Congratulations hun," mom said pulling me into a side hug. That's all I can do since our nuggets got me so big. "Cake then gifts?" I ask feeling my feet start to hurt from standing up. "After you sit down," Adri said picking me up. "Babe, I'm heavy," I laugh feeling her sit me down on the highly decorated throne. 

"You know I'm strong and you're not heavy," she said leaning down while puckering her lips. I smile and pecked her lips hearing her let out a satisfied hum. "I'll get your cake," she said walking away towards the cake before everyone else ate it all. I sat back looking watching Adri cut our slices and take a bite from both slices. 

Ah, our overprotective future wife. Tati hums.

We love every single bit of it too. I reply watching her walk back towards me with a soft smile.

"You two talking about us again?" She asks sitting on the arm of the chair while handing me my plate. "Thank you," I smile taking a small bite of the cake. "Hmm, this has mama written all over it," I hum dancing in my chair. "Thank you hun," I hear mom say making me smile and enjoy my cake. I leaned my head on Adri's arm drinking my water. "Tired?" he asks as I nod my head. 

"Let's open our gifts then we can take a nap," she said rubbing my head. I looked towards the gifts seeing all the gifts I have to open. "Okay, there is not a lot of us here and I see all of those gifts," I said looking around our backyard to see Michelle, mom, dad, and Zayden look off whistling. 

"Come on," Adri said getting up and bring gifts over to me. "You're helping me open these," I giggle opening a bag to see adorable boy and girl clothes. "Wow, this is so cute," I squealed seeing the cute mittens that match it. "We have to take these for when they leave the hospital," I said watching Adri nod her head. 

We continued to open the amazing gifts going down to the last gifts from mom and dad. "Wait, I want to record this," mom said pulling out her phone. I looked towards Adri and shrugged my shoulders. I open the one with dad's name on it letting out a small gasp. "Dad," I smile seeing a small baby bath tub for both of our babies. I saw some towels that would go with it making me smile and look at him gratefully. "Thank you dad," I sniff watching Adri open mom's gift. 

"Wow," Adri chuckles holding up a Louis Vuitton diaper bag. "Thank you ma," she said looking over at me then to my stomach. I heard her let out a small gasp as she opened the last gift. "It's a automatic self rocking bassinet. "This is going to be so useful," she said looking at the set up instructions. 

I smile as everyone began to leave except for the usual of course. Zay, Zariah, Mimi, and Sy stayed helping us clean up. "No, you go rest," Adri said guiding me in the house. "But I want to help," I pout folding my arms. "You're helping by holding our little nuggets in there," she said making me squint my eyes at her. "Really?" I ask as she lay me down on our bed. "Yes, now relax and get some sleep," I hear her whisper in Justice's light voice. "Okay," I yawned feeling my eyelids become heavy and my body relax into the sheets that are engulfed in her scent.


The gender reveal?

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