Chapter 4.

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Adriana's POV

"I need you to stay here so I can be there when your demon tries to force herself out. At least until she gets here," Jasmine says pacing back in forth in front of me. 

"But I can handle it," I replied grabbing her wrists to stop her movement. I watch as her shoulders relax and her eyes to drop down to the floor. I lifted her head up watching her eyes flicker to that familiar light shade of gold. 

"You say that now but you literally passed out in my car. What if that happened while you was driving," she says wrapping her arms around herself. "You could have crashed and got yourself hurt," she said as I saw her eyes gloss over and her lip quiver. 

"I'm sorry, I will stay with you," I said wrapping my arms around her waist making her look up at me. "Really?" She asks wrapping her arms around my neck. "Yes princess," I smiled watching her try to hide her face in my chest. 

"I need to go by my house and get some clothes," I informed her feeling her nod her head. "Okay, hurry back," she said grabbing a towel, walking in her bathroom. 

"Wait, if you drove me here. Where is my car?" I ask turning to her bathroom. "Just use my car!" I hear her yell as she start her shower. I bit my lip grabbing her keys. 

"Wow," I mumble walking out her house and see her beautiful black Audi Q5. I let out a whistle opening her door and got in the car. "This is sexy," I mumble to myself starting the car up. 

"Let me hurry up before she think I went off with her car," I laugh to myself, going straight to my apartment. 

I took a quick shower and put on some clothes to sleep in. I got my duffle bag and began packing my clothes for school tomorrow and after school. "Yo, A!" I hear Zayden yell throughout my apartment. "Yea?" I answered going in my bathroom getting my toothbrush and paste. 

"You good?" He ask placing his hand on my forehead. "Yea, you dumbass," I laugh grabbing my books for my classes. 

"You had me scared," he sigh looking at my bags. "Where you going?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. "To a sleepover," I mumble walking out the apartment. Now I'm going to be bombarded by his questioning ass. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Jaz, I'm back!" I yelled walking to her room, placing her keys on her nightstand. "Okay," I hear her from her closet. "Adri, my sister Symone is here," she quickly informed me coming out of her closet with a towel wrapped around her body. "Okay," I said glancing over her body, watching the water drip from her natural curls. 

"Don't do that," she mumbles looking down at the floor. I smiled rolling my eyes as she grip her towel tighter. 

"Juju, when is your. . . Oh hi," I hear someone say opening the door. I quickly pulled Jasmine behind me watching her walk in. "Well then, I'm Symone," she said holding her hand out as I felt Jasmine's arms wrap around me making my body instantly relax. I don't know how she does it but it works every time.

"Adriana," I reply shaking her hand. "I like her, Ju," she smiles as I let Jasmine go. "I do too," she says walking to her dressers, grabbing some shorts and a tank top. 

"Well, I will let you ladies talk. I need to study," I winked towards Jasmine making her look at the floor blushing. I grabbed my bookbag and closed the door. 

I decided to sit on the floor in her living room, laying out all of my notes that I saved from my previous years for this nursing class. "I know about CPR and vitals. . ." I mumble to myself feeling myself get hot. 

Images of Jasmine began to flood my mind. "Adriana," I hear someone whisper causing me to look around. "Wha-" I mumble rubbing my temples. It sounded like me but deeper. 

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