Chapter 4 - Is Percy a Siren?

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The toddlers gasped, eyes widening comically, "Is Percy's dad a mermaid?!!"

"Hmm.." Jason turned to look at Percy, considering the fact. "Wait, is your dad a mermaid? Wait - ARE you related to mermaids!? OR SIRENS? HOW HAVE I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THIS! You kids are genius!"

Percy raised an eyebrow in amusement, "Um, I never really thought about it like that, but I guess so? I mean my mom once told me I was really good at singing - like unnaturally good - so yes? I was also part of a choir for a short while - that  was interesting"


Her mom raised her eyebrows, and looked at Annabeth and Piper who were chuckling, then replied to her daughter with a smile of her own, "Yes, I'm sure he is, but we have to go now, Ella, Tommy. Say goodbye to your new friends!" The mother turned to Annabeth and Piper, "Thank you for keeping them distracted, sorry if they annoyed you four,"

"Oh no it's alright, Percy and Jason are basically four year olds. Your kids are also super cute," Piper replied as the two kids said goodbye to Percy, Jason and the fish.

"Alright, well thanks again. Have a good rest of your day!" She said as they started walking off. As the family walked off they heard the kids start talking about how the fish liked their clothes, "And mommy, that boy was speaking to them and he asked them to swim circles and they did! It was so cool wasn't it Tommy!..."

Piper and Annabeth turned to the boys who were laughing quietly.

"Okay but that was kind of cute, you cannot tell me otherwise!" Annabeth chuckled. "They went crazy when Percy said his dad was a mermaid!" 

Jason laughed, before turning to Percy in one the most serious expressions Percy had ever seen. "Okay, but they had a valid point - is your dad, like, a mermaid?"

Percy considered it, "Well, he did create them but I don't know if that makes him one. I mean, he did give them their voices - which were like part of his ocean voodoo or whatever, and I have a few siren half siblings,"

"Does that mean you can sing well? 'Cause now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever heard you sing," Piper asked, thinking back to instances where she might have heard him sing. 

"I guess so," Percy replied with a shrug. "I've never really sung infant of people, but one time I visited my dads palace and some sirens gave me singing lessons. They're actually pretty nice when they're not trying to eat you, but I'm like 80% sure they were flirting with me, so I have no idea," 

Annabeth turned to look at Percy, "See, now you're making me want to test this out, Seaweed Brain," She laughed at the face Percy immediately pulled,  "Don't worry, not here - we'll do it back at home,"

"Speaking of getting home, Paul said that you could come back to ours for lunch before you carry on going up to Cali," Percy offered to Jason and Piper.

"That sounds great! We can start going back now, to test out our new theory," Piper suggested.

They all got up, brushing grass and dirt from their clothes. Jason smirked at Percy and sprinted off towards the gate, "Race you to the end of the park, Percy!" 

Percy cursed and sprinted after him while Jason shouted back, "Hah! I have a head start! Try and beat me now, Aquaman!"


They arrived back at the house chatting loudly enough that Sally opened the door before they even need to knock. Sally and Paul had made them all lunch, and they spent the time catching up with Camp news that they had missed while away. 

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