"At least it's somewhat tidy" Baxter defends walking in. I follow him through the mist

There's shirts hanging up and a whole dress shoe collection but the floor is cover with t-shirts, boxers and socks. "The smell has marinated" he chokes.

"Definitely crack a window"

We make it out alive. Just about. That man needs to learn a couple sprays is sufficient.

"Looks like I'm taking the sofa after all" he laughs closing the door

My guilt rises again "Just take your room Bax"

"No way! It works out anyway. I have a hockey highlights to catch up on"

I'm stunned "Hockey? I can't keep up with you"

"Take your pick from my clothes" He embraces me in a hug "Now, go sleep" he whispers resting his head on mine. I really don't want to move, he gives me a strange sense of comfort I've been missing.

He lets go. I nod and make my way to his door "Skye wait!" he says stopping me in my tracks "You left this at the bar" he throws my phone through the air, knowing I'd catch it with ease.

"I'm starting to hate this thing" I groan

"A text to let them know you're safe wouldn't hurt" he says calmly

I roll my eyes at his good advice, I hate it when my good subconscious is against me "Good night Baxter" I drag out. He shoots me a wink and I invade his room.

Baxter's room never crossed my mind but neither did his whole living situation. Compared to his old roommate, Baxter looks like a total neat freak.

Now this is when I'm allowed to snoop, he's practically given me an all access pass.

I flick the light switch on. His walls are slate grey making the room dark but light enough to avoid it looking like a dungeon. The bedcovers match perfectly.

I make my way to his draws; a few photo frames stand on top. One with his family, I'm surprised he has a reminder of them even with the amount of trauma they put him through. The other was a photo of a Christmas he was with us. I grasp it in my hands looking at the smiles we wore. A red Christmas is always grand and full of love which makes my heart ache. This Christmas was the best I've had, and I fear I'll never experience it again. I run my hand over the frame and return it to it's rightful place.

It takes me a couple attempts to find anything sleep worthy but I find a selection of black t-shirts in a draw.

I unbuckle my blades from my arm and waist throwing my jacket and shirt over his desk chair. I undo my boots and jeans remembering to unbuckle the blades on my thighs, it's hard to believe I find no discomfort from them.

I slide Baxter's shirt over my head. It's thigh length, due to his height and my lack off. At least I'm comfortable. I turn the big light off and stride back to the bed, my bare feet are still numb from being outside for so long. I pull the cover over me; the bed is freezing but it'll soon warm up.

The sidelight soon becomes too bright, I tug the small dangling chain making it pitch black.

I try to fall asleep but Baxter's words flood my brain. He confessed his feelings for me that has been brewing for years and didn't think about how much of an impact it's having on me. I don't want to push him away but I can't let my emotions effect my judgement.

I'm still technically in a relationship with Grayson, but that's so confusing my brain might explode. We aren't exactly winning best couple of the year.

Baxter could have made a move tonight realising I'm pretty vulnerable but he didn't. Instead, he stopped me from destroying my liver and drinking myself stupid and gave me a place to stay. He's right, we're Skye and Baxter, we don't need to change that.

My phone stuns me as I unlock it. I hover over Brooke's name. She would know what to do or at least say something Brooke like in order to clear my thoughts. But, I can't forget what she did. She stood with everyone else, I wonder how much she knew that I didn't. I'm team outsiders with Baxter and Tyler. I lock my phone and leave it on the bed side cabinet.

So long New year. It's lame anyway.


I wake up by a lick on my cheek, if this is Baxter, he's crossing the line. I turn to see an excited Blue. I pretend I'm asleep only making him more playful.

"Okay, I surrender" I giggle rolling over to pay him the attention he rightfully deserves.

The door bursts open "ARE YOU OKAY?"

Blue and I simultaneously look to the door. Baxter sighs in relief, I burst out laughing and Blue wags his tail. "I thought something happened"

"It did. Your dog attacked me with cuteness" I smirk.

My eyes take in the sight in front of me. Baxter shirtless leaning on the door frame. He rubs his eyes still half asleep, even his yawn extenuated his sharp jaw line. His well-toned body makes my head go dizzy.

I remember think similar when I saw Grayson, what is it with these guys? They must be on something.

"Earth to Skye" Baxter says snapping his fingers right in front of me.

I stir back to reality "Sorry, what?"

He turns his back and dramatically falls back onto his bed just missing me and Blue. "I said what are you doing today?"

"Considering I'm not nursing New Year's Eve antics, I'm on operation break into my old house and steal my clothes and necessities"

He grumbles "Sounds like fun"

I rest my head back on the headboard "Tell me about it"

"You want to go see Tyler?"

"What do you think Blue? Sound like a good plan?" I ask, we both face him to which he barks, I swear the walls shake

"Can't argue with that"


My house is on the way to the hospital so it makes sense to sneak in before. I want to put it off but wearing the same outfit for however long is not the most ideal and I would rather scratch my eyes out than go shopping. Brooke is always obsessed with the January sales, even in her worse state she would be up and ready to shop.

Everyone is bound to be out and even if they aren't, I know this place like the back of my hand, I won't be caught.

I open the front door and head to the stairs. The house is peacefully quiet, at least they aren't partying that I'm gone.

All the memories of my room flood back. Brooke stealing my clothes and trying to convince me they were hers but they were old so I must have forgotten. Axel carrying me up and tucking me into bed when I was small. Blake waking me up when he was bored.

I focus on what I was here to do before I have a breakdown and get flooded with the old because times have definitely changed.

I approach my door with my bag of essentials over my shoulder when I hear two voices downstairs. I press my ear against the door, the small crack making the voices clearer.

"He's not talking"

"He will eventually"

"Come on Wolfie, you know he won't talk to us. But he will to her"

That's when I hear my Dad snap "SHE CAN'T KNOW. Besides, she's not going to help us now"

"Figure it out Red"

I hear my Brother groan and then, total silence. They need me more than they thought they would. But what don't they want me knowing?

Whatever it is clearly isn't compatible with them, giving me the advantage when I find out.


Baxter was curious to know why I look so mischievous but right now we're here to see Tyler, this can wait.

The nurses welcome us with a smile like they have since we first arrived, but they look extra cheery today. I take it they have that Friday feeling but I'm given the greatest shock when I walk in.


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